Institut Pédagogique National de l’Enseignement Technique et Professionnel, Département de Formation des Formateurs aux Métiers de l’Agriculture, 08 BP 2098 Abidjan 08, Côte d’Ivoire
Field fertilization trials were conducted on 15 cm high rice stubble in lowland rainfed rice to determine the effectiveness of mineral nutrition on yields and mineral contents of grain and straw of Nerica L 14 ratoon. 4 complete block design of 7 fully randomized treatments were used. N and K significantly stimulated tillering (p= 0,05; 419 and 407 Nbm-2), panicle production (p = 0.04; 330 and 337 Nbm-2), number of grains per panicle (p = 0,00; 66 grains / panicle) as did P, Ca, Mn and Zn. GY and SY due to N were highest by 1,7 tha-1 (p < 0,00) and 1,4 tha-1 (p = 0,01), respectively. However, IRZn (p = 0,04; 68%) was the most important. N promoted high K accumulation in straw (p = 0,02; 1,89% DM) as did Mg (1,72% DM) and Ca (p = 0,01; 0,28% Ms) in grain. 100 N kgha-1 or in combination with 10 Zn kgha-1 may be recommended for rainfed lowland rice ratoon cultivation.