In view of the measures taken by the Government to revive the agricultural sector, and the need to see a considerable reduction in the poverty rate and its corollary, youth unemployment, this research aims to see how the State of Cameroon, through the SAAM, will find work for young people and increase the level of food security in the country. Thus, the empirical method based on descriptive statistics was used as a guide for analysis. This descriptive analysis allowed us to draw a portrait of the situation of young people in the labour market with a particular focus on the agricultural sector. In the end, we came to the conclusion that the integration of young people into SAGA can solve both scourges at the same time: rural youth unemployment and food insecurity in Cameroon. However, it is necessary and sufficient to guarantee them a monthly income like all agents of the state: young people find work in the fields. Several sources of data were used (our own survey data, the existing literature review, data of INSF and FAOSTAT (2020)).
The objective of this paper is to demonstrate that regional economic integration can contribute to the emergence of Cameroon. Our research hypothesis is that limiting trade barriers increases the quantity of Cameroon's exports to the CEMAC sub-region and makes it more competitive. In the light of the econometric analysis based on the error correction model (ECM), the econometric estimation of the relationship between GDP per capita, investment, the trade liberalization index, etc., has led us to say that trade openness, supported by regional integration indices, has a positive impact on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita in Cameroon. Thus, trade openness will allow Cameroon to raise the standard of living of its populations and to achieve the objective of its vision of emergence in 2035, provided that the related provisions are an effective reality and that the market is considered as such.
A diploma is one of the indicators for the measurement of the educational level of an individual. In Cameroun, it remains a good distributed within the working population age with the young population accounting for an average of 43, 6% of the total population. With this, one predicts a high potential school request. In this respect, the Sectorial Strategy of Education, which arises from the Document of Strategy for Growth and Employment (DSCE) set-up by the Cameroonian Government, stresses on the training and the development of the human capita in order to equip each citizen with the capacities necessary to build an emergent economy by 2035. Comparatively, there is need to examine the relationship between economic growth and education. The objective of this study is to analyse the role and the place of education in the socio-economic development of Cameroun, by the means of an existing documentary review and data of investigations into education carried out by the National Institute of Statistics (INS) in Cameroun. From this, we arrived at the conclusion that education is in the middle of the socio-economic development of the country. However, the offer of education and the level of insertion of the graduates remains very weak. This situation requires an additional effort of the authorities and the partners of development in the direction of professionalising the educational system in Cameroun.