In urban areas, trees remain the essential element in maintaining the environmental balance. Specifically, this study aimed to: (i) quantify the loss of urban tree cover and deepen knowledge of the drivers of this urban deforestation; (ii) understand the influence of the loss on the local climate; and (iii) clarify the management methods of this urban ecosystem guaranteeing environmental resilience. The results of analyzes showed that in Kinshasa, trees are cut even in the inhabited plots in order to supply the pastry companies and nganda ntaba with firewood. Between 2000 and 2020, nearly 25% of the initial tree area was deforested; the average annual loss of tree cover in the urban and peri-urban area is estimated at approximately 1128.8 ± 910.9 ha. The average daily quantity consumed by an artisanal bakery and a nganda ntaba amounts respectively to 3.36±1.25 m3 and 2±0.67 bundles of firewood. The results of the analyzes demonstrated the influence of urban tree cover loss in Kinshasa on the increase in local temperature. The restructuration of Kinshasa city, the promotion of renewable energy and urban forestry, would make Kinshasa a resilient city.