This study was conducted in the CCLK health area, Goma health zone, North Kivu province in the DRC. It aimed to identify the factors associated with the abandonment of reversible modern contraceptive methods among users, their recourse after abandonment as well as the consequences that follow in the period from January 01 to December 31, 2022. After collection, tabulation, analysis and processing of data by SPSS software, we arrived at the following results:.
- 24.4% of dropouts are due to giving in to rumours; 17.1% of dropouts result from the occurrence of side effects; 9.8 ≈10% abandoned their methods for not having received sufficient information during the first contact; 4.9 ≈5% of users were influenced by their religion to abandon their methods and 2.4% abandoned their methods following the opposition of the partner. It should be noted that apart from the apparent prevalence, no statistically significant association was revealed for each of these variables.
- 18.37% of users do not use any method after giving up; 11.23% use condoms; 10.20% abstain from sex, 7.14% withdraw (coitus interruptus) and 3.6% use emergency contraception.
- 75.6% of users claim to have had consequences after abandonment compared to 24.4% who did not. Among these consequences, we cite: unfree sex with 46.34%, regular fear of pregnancy with 24.39% and so 7.31% had an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy after abandonment.