In conducting this study, we sought to determine the difficulties encountered by elementary school students in BENA-DIBELE in mathematics and French and to identify the strategies used by teachers to support students with difficulties. Based on an occasional sample of 60 teachers, we realized that the students of BENA-DIBELE experience learning difficulties. These include problems with spelling (23.5%), agreement (23.5%), writing (18%), diction (17.5%) and pronunciation (17%) in French; and problems with solving operations (50%), thinking (45.35%) and measurement (4.65%) in mathematics.
To overcome these difficulties, teachers use several strategies to support these students. These include remediation (13.87%), assigning homework (17.65%) and questioning (13.66%), correcting homework (9.34%), submitting to application exercises (15.55%), checking work (6.30%) and assigning homework (11.75%).
From the above, it is interesting that teachers multiply directed and homework assignments to help students better internalize the concepts learned and prepare their transfer to the field of everyday life. Also, it is necessary to facilitate the exchange of information between parents and teachers, both physically and through the communication notebooks, to inform them of their children's performance.