This paper aims to study the degree of efficiency of health systems in the countries of the two shores of the Mediterranean. We analyze the classification of these countries to identify particularly efficient and inefficient groups of countries. From the point of view of method, we use the estimation method (DEA). We also use a combination of inputs and outputs. In our model, we use as outputs, life expectancy at birth, survival of children under five years and adult survival rates as inputs, we chose health spending $ current, Adult literacy rates. We rely on the input orientation approach to variable returns to scale. The efficiency scores were calculated using the DEAP software (Coelli, 1996). The average efficiencies of scores (NRP) in 2010 is equal to 0.934.
In this research paper, the objective is to highlight the degree of contribution of the agricultural sector in the region of Monastir to Economic growth of our country: "Tunisia". We limit ourselves to the study of regional development of agriculture in this region. This is to see the impact of this sector stage of development on economic growth. The question that concerns us is this: Is agriculture as an economic activity is involved in a huge way in the growth of the country? Or there are other more important areas in the region that are the core of economic development. Several hypotheses resulting which we quote which states that agriculture in the region and because of the recorded fluctuations had a negative impact on the country's economic growth and participates in a less efficient way, its role is less important comparison with other operative sectors in the region (manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries, Tourism, Services,...etc.). Several theoretical and empirical studies have shown that agriculture contributes an effective way to growth. Empirically, based on the time series, we will determine the contribution of the agricultural sector development and fisheries beyond fifteen years on growth and the country's economic development. Econometric results we found, it was found that agriculture contributed less efficiently to economic growth compared with other countries more competitive sectors and have considerable share in GDP and contribute more effectively to the economic development of Tunisia.
Au cours de ces dernières années, de nombreux économistes ont posé le problème de l'existence d'une relation entre inégalité de revenu et état de santé. Ils ont examiné dans des études empiriques et ont commencé à proposer des applications de politiques. Cependant, de nombreuses ambiguïtés persistent et, par conséquent, personne ne sait comment cette relation fonctionne réellement. Dans ce cadre, ce se limitera à étudier sur ce qui est connu de nos jours, la relation entre inégalité de revenu et état de santé et offre des suggestions quant à la façon de produire davantage de santé. Le but de cet article est d'analyser le rapport entre la variable inégalité du revenu proxy par indice du Theil et amélioration de l'état de la santé proxy par la variable espérance de vie , en employant des techniques économétriques, données de panel durant la période 1990-2012. Notre échantillon est composé d'un groupe de 10 pays de la rive nord et sud de la Méditerranés, de la rive nord et sud Méditerranéennes, à savoir la Tunisie, l'Algérie, Maroc, Libye, Egypte, Franc, Italie, Grèce, Espagne, Slovénie. Les résultats confirment la preuve d'une relation significative et positive entre l'inégalité des revenus et amélioration de la santé de l'individu dans les pays de la rive nord de la Méditerranée et une relation significative mais négative dans les pays de la rive sud de la Méditerranée.