Attendance control is a standard practice in every educational system. In response to this, methods used to take exam attendance are quite numerous, but emphasis keeps shifting towards automating the process. The University ULPGL (Université Libre des Pays des Grands Lacs) in Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo does apply the traditional manual method for identification and elaboration of attendance lists in exam rooms. This manual process of verifying eligible students and counting copies of participants causes a significant delay. Moreover, in such a system, cheaters may easily take exams for others. To address these issues, an intelligent and efficient system is conceived and developed in this paper. After enrolling all attendees by storing their data along with their unique badge code and/or fingeprint, the designed system automatically takes exam attendance and check for eligibility by applying the RFID and/or fingerprint technologies and searching for a match in the created database. To enhance security, the face image of the registered student for the scanned card or captured fingerprint is displayed in order to enable the supervisor to compare that face with the present student. This process eliminates fraud and saves processing and verification time. 60 students tested the system and the success rate was 100% while reducing the average processing time to 3 and 6 seconds per student instead of 25 seconds in the traditional manual process.