The purpose of the research was to determine the result of the titling process in the area of agricultural production contained on the left bank Chumbao River, Andahuaylas, from 2004 to 2017. The study areas were: Ccoñecpuquio, Lirios, Choccepuquio, Cuncataca, Rumi Rumi and Los Angeles. The design of the research: descriptive. The sample was 364 farms converted by land use change. The population was 620 rural properties. The results of the titration process materialized in the conversion of land use from 367.14 hectares to 291.32 hectares, percentage of 79.34%. The change in land use in the area of agricultural production contained in the Chumbao river left margin, displaced the 291.44 hectares of temporary crops between starchy corn, vegetables and others. The sectors of Ccoñecpuquio, Choccepuquio, Lirios and Rumi Rumi, stopped being pantry of the city of Andahuaylas and main suppliers in the Sunday fair of the city of Andahuaylas, to become urban areas. The loss in production volumes only of the starchy corn crop in more than ten years of conversion of land use, reached the amount per year of 466.12 mt. The monetary value from 2004, onwards, for more than 10 years of sale of real estate assets reached the amount of s /. 2, 913, 200 billion soles, which were injected into the local economy.