The use of synthetic oxytocin is now widespread in the stimulation of labor, almost substituting the normal physiology of childbirth and yet it remains a high-risk molecule. The objective of this study was to determine the maternal prognosis after augmentation of labour with oxytocin in our maternity wards. A case-control study of women who gave birth in three health reference facilities. The sample was of convenience consisting of 824 women in labor with a good prognosis of vaginal delivery at admission. We maintained 412 stimulated cases and 412 unstimulated controls, thus 1 case for 1 control. The software EPIINFO 2000, 7.2.2. version and SPSS 20 version helped us to analyze the data. The results reveal a high labour stimulation rate in the city of Goma is 54%. The stimulation protocol was not respected: Bishop score was not evaluated in 56.8% of cases with 91.3% of cases stimulated by a high dose of 10 IU of oxytocin diluted in 500 ml. There were short intervals of increase ≤ 29 minutes in 18.5% of cases and 90.6% of the stimuli did not receive tococardiographic monitoring. The maternal prognosis was characterized by a high frequency of cesarean section (OR=1.95), artificial delivery (OR= 25.50), the post-partum hemorrhage (OR=2, 29) with (p < 0, 05). The resuscitation for disseminated intravascular coagulation (OR=1.29) and the maternal death characterized by (OR= 2.00). Unregulated augmentation of labor by oxytocin involves in increasing maternal morbi-mortality.