[ Offres touristiques de la commune de la N’sele à Kinshasa et moyens marketing utilisés pour la promotion: Analyse et propositions des stratégies managériales d’amélioration de la demande touristique ]
Volume 76, Issue 2, January 2025, Pages 138–160
Kaki Ngisila Blanchard1
1 Doctorant à l’Université Pédagogique Nationale, Faculté des Sciences, département de Géographie et Sciences de l’Environnement, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2025 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study focuses on the analysis of tourist offers and demand in the recreational sites of the commune of N’sele in Kinshasa. Indeed, tourism contributes to the development of cities led by specialist managers and/or enlightened, visionary, environmentalist leaders, endowed with irreproachable moral probity and informed on the environmental issues of the development of sustainable tourism. Furthermore, the commune of N’sele in the city of Kinshasa, although having the natural resources necessary for tourism, does not take advantage of it as it should, in terms of effective development of tourism. However, to conduct this study, a methodological approach was used with the use of the systemic approach, documentary analysis, observation, interviews, field surveys by questionnaire with semi-open questions. The sample of 490 tourists was drawn probabilistically within three categories of recreational sites. Manual and computer processing using software (Microsoft office 2016 and SPSS 22) allowed the processing, presentation, analysis of the results, followed by literary and scientific interpretations. It results from this study that the tourist offers and demand are weak, precarious, random or faltering in these recreational spaces studied. Only the sites of category A and some of type B have at least attractive offers but they are poorly frequented and the revenues do not really meet the understanding of the owners of the sites. Moreover, the comparison of these results with those of other cities or countries engaged in this sector, ours do not represent much. This is why it is imperative that Kinshasa sites opt for modern and sustainable developments, which remain an imperative, the application of managerial strategies, e-tourism, geomarketing, the organization of events, the green price, awareness of tourist culture, the valorization of staff so that these sites are more competitive, attractive and efficient.
Author Keywords: tourist offer, tourist demand, tourist marketing, managerial strategy, N’sele.
Volume 76, Issue 2, January 2025, Pages 138–160
Kaki Ngisila Blanchard1
1 Doctorant à l’Université Pédagogique Nationale, Faculté des Sciences, département de Géographie et Sciences de l’Environnement, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2025 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study focuses on the analysis of tourist offers and demand in the recreational sites of the commune of N’sele in Kinshasa. Indeed, tourism contributes to the development of cities led by specialist managers and/or enlightened, visionary, environmentalist leaders, endowed with irreproachable moral probity and informed on the environmental issues of the development of sustainable tourism. Furthermore, the commune of N’sele in the city of Kinshasa, although having the natural resources necessary for tourism, does not take advantage of it as it should, in terms of effective development of tourism. However, to conduct this study, a methodological approach was used with the use of the systemic approach, documentary analysis, observation, interviews, field surveys by questionnaire with semi-open questions. The sample of 490 tourists was drawn probabilistically within three categories of recreational sites. Manual and computer processing using software (Microsoft office 2016 and SPSS 22) allowed the processing, presentation, analysis of the results, followed by literary and scientific interpretations. It results from this study that the tourist offers and demand are weak, precarious, random or faltering in these recreational spaces studied. Only the sites of category A and some of type B have at least attractive offers but they are poorly frequented and the revenues do not really meet the understanding of the owners of the sites. Moreover, the comparison of these results with those of other cities or countries engaged in this sector, ours do not represent much. This is why it is imperative that Kinshasa sites opt for modern and sustainable developments, which remain an imperative, the application of managerial strategies, e-tourism, geomarketing, the organization of events, the green price, awareness of tourist culture, the valorization of staff so that these sites are more competitive, attractive and efficient.
Author Keywords: tourist offer, tourist demand, tourist marketing, managerial strategy, N’sele.
Abstract: (french)
Cette étude s’attèle sur l’analyse des offres et la demande touristique dans les sites récréatifs de la commune de la N’sele à Kinshasa. En effet, le tourisme participe au développement des villes dirigées par des spécialistes managers et/ou les leaders éclairés, visionnaires, écologistes, dotés d’une probité morale irréprochable et informés sur les enjeux environnementaux du développement du tourisme durable. Par ailleurs, la commune de la N’sele dans la ville de Kinshasa, bien que disposant des ressources naturelles nécessaires pour le tourisme n’en tire pas profit comme il faut, en terme de développement effectif du tourisme. Cependant, pour mener cette étude, une approche méthodologique a été utilisée avec l’usage de l’approche systémique, les analyses documentaires, l’observation, les interviews, les enquêtes de terrain par questionnaire aux questions semi-ouvertes. L’échantillonnage de 490 touristes a été tiré de façon probabiliste au sein de trois catégories des sites récréatifs. Le traitement manuel et informatique à l’aide de logiciels (Microsoft office 2016 et SPSS 22) ont permis le traitement, la présentation, l’analyse des résultats, suivi des interprétations littéraires et scientifiques. Il résulte de cette étude que les offres et la demande touristique sont faibles, précaires, aléatoires ou balbutiantes dans ces espaces récréatifs étudiés. Seuls les sites de la catégorie A et quelques-uns de type B ont du moins des offres attractives mais ils sont faiblement fréquentés et les recettes ne rencontrent pas vraiment l’entendement des propriétaires des sites. Par ailleurs, la comparaison de ces résultats avec ceux d’autres villes ou pays engagés dans ce secteur, les nôtres ne représentent pas grand-chose. Raison pour laquelle, il est impérieux que les sites de Kinshasa optent pour des aménagements modernes et durables qui reste un impératif, l’application des stratégies managériales, l’e-tourisme, le géomarketing, l’organisation des évènementiels, le prix vert, la sensibilisation à la culture touristique, la valorisation du personnel afin que ces sites soient plus compétitifs, attractifs et performants.
Author Keywords: offre touristique, demande touristique, marketing touristique, stratégie managériale, N’sele.
How to Cite this Article
Kaki Ngisila Blanchard, “Tourist offers of the commune of N’sele in Kinshasa and marketing means used for promotion: Analysis and proposals of managerial strategies for improving tourist demand,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 76, no. 2, pp. 138–160, January 2025.