[ Influence du procédée d’abattage et de la durée de maturation sur la qualité de la carcasse et de la viande des poulets d’écotype Sahouè du Bénin ]
Volume 67, Issue 1, June 2023, Pages 104–118

Tougan P. Ulbad1, Zannou M. Serge2, Dedjiho Achille3, Domingo I. Anaïs4, Osseyi G. Elolo5, and Théwis André6
1 Département de Nutrition et Sciences Agro-Alimentaires de la Faculté d’Agronomie, Université de Parakou, BP 2760, Abomey-Calavi, Benin
2 Centre d’Excellence Regional sur les Sciences Aviaires (CERSA-UL), Université de Lomé, Benin
3 Département de Nutrition et Sciences Agro-Alimentairesj Faculté d’Agronomie, Université de Parakou, Benin
4 Centre d’Excellence Regional sur les Sciences Aviaires (CERSA-UL), Université de Lomé, Togo
5 Centre d’Excellence Regional sur les Sciences Aviaires (CERSA-UL), Université de Lomé, Togo
6 Unité de Nutrition et d’Ingénierie des Productions Animales de Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Université de Liège, Belgium
Original language: French
Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The local poultry population of Benin of Gallus gallus species is made of a variety of ecotypes including the Sahoue ecotype. The aim of this study is to determine the variations in carcass characteristics and meat quality of this ecotype according to the slaughtering process and the post-mortem aging time. Therefore, 24 chicken of 6 months of age, of similar live weight were divided into two groups and slaughtered respectively according to the conventional and traditional method of slaughter. It comes out from the study that carcass yield was affected by the method of slaughter with the highest values recorded in conventional meat (P<0.001). Technologically, the post-mortem pH of chicken from the conventional slaughtering process recorded at 1, 12 and 24-hour (6.11 vs. 5.69; 5.95 vs. 5.65 and 5.97 vs. 5.62) was the highest. However, the water holding capacity and nutritional parameters of the meat were similar (P>0.05) for both slaughtering modes. The total ash, crude protein and fat content of meat from conventional and traditional slaughtering processes were respectively 0.96% and 0.99%; 19.34% and 19.38% and 2.87% and 2.71%. The post-mortem aging time of the meat affected only the dry matter and mineral content of the meat (P<0.05). Positive and significant correlations were also obtained between the technological and nutritional parameters of the meat.
Author Keywords: Benin, slaughtering process, Sahoue chicken, maturation, meat, quality.
Volume 67, Issue 1, June 2023, Pages 104–118

Tougan P. Ulbad1, Zannou M. Serge2, Dedjiho Achille3, Domingo I. Anaïs4, Osseyi G. Elolo5, and Théwis André6
1 Département de Nutrition et Sciences Agro-Alimentaires de la Faculté d’Agronomie, Université de Parakou, BP 2760, Abomey-Calavi, Benin
2 Centre d’Excellence Regional sur les Sciences Aviaires (CERSA-UL), Université de Lomé, Benin
3 Département de Nutrition et Sciences Agro-Alimentairesj Faculté d’Agronomie, Université de Parakou, Benin
4 Centre d’Excellence Regional sur les Sciences Aviaires (CERSA-UL), Université de Lomé, Togo
5 Centre d’Excellence Regional sur les Sciences Aviaires (CERSA-UL), Université de Lomé, Togo
6 Unité de Nutrition et d’Ingénierie des Productions Animales de Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Université de Liège, Belgium
Original language: French
Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The local poultry population of Benin of Gallus gallus species is made of a variety of ecotypes including the Sahoue ecotype. The aim of this study is to determine the variations in carcass characteristics and meat quality of this ecotype according to the slaughtering process and the post-mortem aging time. Therefore, 24 chicken of 6 months of age, of similar live weight were divided into two groups and slaughtered respectively according to the conventional and traditional method of slaughter. It comes out from the study that carcass yield was affected by the method of slaughter with the highest values recorded in conventional meat (P<0.001). Technologically, the post-mortem pH of chicken from the conventional slaughtering process recorded at 1, 12 and 24-hour (6.11 vs. 5.69; 5.95 vs. 5.65 and 5.97 vs. 5.62) was the highest. However, the water holding capacity and nutritional parameters of the meat were similar (P>0.05) for both slaughtering modes. The total ash, crude protein and fat content of meat from conventional and traditional slaughtering processes were respectively 0.96% and 0.99%; 19.34% and 19.38% and 2.87% and 2.71%. The post-mortem aging time of the meat affected only the dry matter and mineral content of the meat (P<0.05). Positive and significant correlations were also obtained between the technological and nutritional parameters of the meat.
Author Keywords: Benin, slaughtering process, Sahoue chicken, maturation, meat, quality.
Abstract: (french)
La population locale de volaille de l’espèce Gallus gallus du Bénin est composée d’une diversité d’écotypes dont l’écotype Sahouè. La présente étude vise à déterminer les variations des caractéristiques de la carcasse et de la qualité de la viande de cet écotype selon le mode d’abattage et la durée de maturation de la viande. Pour ce faire, 24 coquelets de 6 mois d’âge, de poids vif similaire ont été répartis en deux lots et abattus respectivement selon le mode d’abattage conventionnel et traditionnel. Il ressort que le rendement de la carcasse a été affecté par le mode d’abattage avec les valeurs les plus élevées enregistrées dans les viandes du mode conventionnel (P<0,001). Sur le plan technologique, le pH des bréchets issus du mode d’abattage conventionnel à 1, 12 et 24 heures post-mortem ont été les plus élevés (6,11 vs 5,69; 5,95 vs 5,65 et 5,97 vs 5,62). Cependant, la capacité de rétention d’eau et les paramètres nutritionnels de la viande étaient similaires (P>0,05) pour les deux modes d’abattage. Les teneurs en cendre totale, en protéine brute et en matière grasse de la viande étaient respectivement de 0,96% et 0,99%; de 19,34% et 19,38% et de 2,87% et 2,71% pour les modes d’abattage conventionnel et traditionnel. La durée de maturation de la viande a affecté seulement les teneurs en matière sèche et en minéraux de la viande (P<0,05). Des corrélations positives et significatives ont été aussi obtenues entre les paramètres technologiques et nutritionnels de la viande.
Author Keywords: Bénin, diagramme d’abattage, Poulet Sahouè, maturation, qualité, viande.
How to Cite this Article
Tougan P. Ulbad, Zannou M. Serge, Dedjiho Achille, Domingo I. Anaïs, Osseyi G. Elolo, and Théwis André, “Influence of the slaughtering process and the post-mortem aging time on carcass and meat quality of Sahoue chicken ecotype of Benin,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 67, no. 1, pp. 104–118, June 2023.