International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research
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  Call for Papers (October 2024)  

Cooperative associations, savings and credit mutuals: Critical look of their governance

[ Associations coopératives, mutuelles d’épargne et de crédit: Télescope critique de leur gouvernance ]

Volume 64, Issue 2, January 2023, Pages 60–72

 Cooperative associations, savings and credit mutuals: Critical look of their governance

Jean Pierre Kasuku Kahuyege1 and Joseph Ngulungu Bwanambogo2

1 Doctorant, Université d’Antananarivo, Madagascar
2 Assistant, CIDEP-GOMA, RD Congo

Original language: French

Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The cooperative is a movement of hope to enable the poor to improve their living conditions. It gives the opportunity to form an association and mobilize small energies in order to fight against injustices on the part of the rich. The basis of the essence of their principle is that they are owners-subscribers of the means and beneficiaries of the services. In the rapprochement with state institutions, cooperatives are subject to legal provisions as guarantees of protection of members’ assets. In their polymorphism, there are associative institutions in the traditional cooperative form based on the solidarity of members and also savings and credit institutions based on savings«. They work according to whether the members were owner-users or simply customer-users. This presupposes governance appropriate to the approach put in place. This article is a reflection on those nuances on which the effectiveness in terms of services rendered to members depends.

Author Keywords: association, cooperative, mutual, savings, credit.

Abstract: (french)

La coopérative est un mouvement d’espoir devant permettre aux pauvres d’améliorer leurs conditions de vie. Il donner la possibilité de constituer en association et de mobiliser les petites énergies afin de lutter contre les injustices de la part des riches. Le fondement de l’essentiels de leur principe est qu’ils soient propriétaires-souscripteurs des moyens et bénéficiaires des services. Dans le rapprochement avec les institutions étatiques, les coopératives sont soumises aux dispositions légales en tant que garanties de protections des avoirs des membres. Dans leur polymorphisme, il s’observe des institutions associatives dans la forme coopérative traditionnelle basée sur la solidarité des membres et aussi des institutions d’épargne et de crédit basées sur les épargnes ». Elles fonctionnent ainsi selon que les membres étaient propriétaires-usagers ou tout simplement clients-usagers. Ce qui suppose une gouvernance appropriée à l’approche mise en place. Cet article est une réflexion sur ces nuances dont est tributaire l’efficacité en termes de services rendus aux membres.

Author Keywords: association, coopérative, mutuelle, épargne, crédit.

How to Cite this Article

Jean Pierre Kasuku Kahuyege and Joseph Ngulungu Bwanambogo, “Cooperative associations, savings and credit mutuals: Critical look of their governance,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 64, no. 2, pp. 60–72, January 2023.