International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research
ISSN: 2351-8014
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  Call for Papers (October 2024)  

Application of the methodology Extreme Programing and the Minimum Viable Product to get better the development and deployment of a web system

[ Aplicación de la metodología Programación Extrema y el concepto Producto Mínimo Viable para la mejora del proceso de desarrollo y despliegue de un sistema web ]

Volume 61, Issue 1, June 2022, Pages 7–16

 Application of the methodology Extreme Programing and the Minimum Viable Product to get better the development and deployment of a web system

Abel Edwin Guarneros Morales1, Elizabeth Cuatecontzi Cuahutle2, José Juan Hernández Mora3, Ana Laura Román Luna4, and Lucia Muñoz Dávila5

1 Maestría en Sistemas Computacionales, Tecnológico Nacional de México, I. T. Apizaco, Apizaco, Tlaxcala, Mexico
2 Maestría en Sistemas Computacionales, Tecnológico Nacional de , I. T. Apizaco, Apizaco, Tlaxcala, Méxi, México
3 Maestría en Sistemas Computacionales, Instituto Tecnológico de Apizaco, Mexico
4 Maestría en Sistemas Computacionales, Tecnológico Nacional de , I. T. Apizaco, Apizaco, Tlaxcala, Méxi, México
5 Maestría en Sistemas Computacionales, Tecnológico Nacional de , I. T. Apizaco, Apizaco, Tlaxcala, Méxi, México

Original language: Spanish

Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This work is a proposal of methodology for the Development and implementation of web systems in an agile way, following the Build-Measure-Learn cycle. At each stage of the cycle, methods and tools are defined to create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), in order to quickly deploy the system to begin a stage of functionality and usability tests, and thus obtain feedback for the creation of the next MVP, in this way the developed product will scale through the new needs that the client has, we integrated the tools and methods defined by the Extreme Programming (XP) methodology for the build phase and the ISO / IEC 29119 standard for the testing stage. The implementation of this proposal methodological it was made in the development of the File from Aspirants’s System to the Instituto Tecnológico de México /Campus Apizaco.

Author Keywords: Build-Measure-Learn cycle, Extreme Programming, Minimum Viable Product, ISO/IEC 29119, MoSCow, Test Plan.

How to Cite this Article

Abel Edwin Guarneros Morales, Elizabeth Cuatecontzi Cuahutle, José Juan Hernández Mora, Ana Laura Román Luna, and Lucia Muñoz Dávila, “Application of the methodology Extreme Programing and the Minimum Viable Product to get better the development and deployment of a web system,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 61, no. 1, pp. 7–16, June 2022.