[ Les interventions militaires de la France dans les conflits armés intra-étatiques en Afrique pendant la période post-bipolaire : Etude comparée des cas de la République Centrafricaine, du Mali et du Rwanda ]
Volume 45, Issue 1, October 2019, Pages 62–88

1 Relations Internationales, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Since the end of the bipolar system, Africa has faced the resurgence of intra-state armed conflicts. Faced with these intra-state armed conflicts, there is a solidarity of the international community, at the top of which are some international organizations and some major powers that intervene militarily in that intra-state armed conflicts. Regarding the military interventions of the major powers, it must be noted that France is one of the major powers that is most active in Africa. His military interventions multiplied during the post-bipolar period. But the opinions are divided on the effectiveness of these military interventions. They are effective for some and ineffective for some others. On the one hand, we draw up the active balance and on the other hand the passive balance of these military interventions. The factors contributing to the active balance of these military interventions include the search for their legitimacy, their promptness, France’s military capacity and its influence on the international scene. And the factors contributing to the passive balance of these military interventions include the quest or preservation of interests on the part of France, the failure of the global approach to armed conflicts favoring the three D (Defense, Diplomacy and Development) and the failure of the democratic system in African states. But the statebuilding is the best solution that could effectively pull African states from the intra-state armed conflicts that are eating them up. It’s up to every African to think about how to rebuild the state in Africa.
Author Keywords: Bankruptcy, Defense, Effectiveness, Françafrique, Genocide, Legitimacy, Statebuilding, War.
Volume 45, Issue 1, October 2019, Pages 62–88

1 Relations Internationales, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Since the end of the bipolar system, Africa has faced the resurgence of intra-state armed conflicts. Faced with these intra-state armed conflicts, there is a solidarity of the international community, at the top of which are some international organizations and some major powers that intervene militarily in that intra-state armed conflicts. Regarding the military interventions of the major powers, it must be noted that France is one of the major powers that is most active in Africa. His military interventions multiplied during the post-bipolar period. But the opinions are divided on the effectiveness of these military interventions. They are effective for some and ineffective for some others. On the one hand, we draw up the active balance and on the other hand the passive balance of these military interventions. The factors contributing to the active balance of these military interventions include the search for their legitimacy, their promptness, France’s military capacity and its influence on the international scene. And the factors contributing to the passive balance of these military interventions include the quest or preservation of interests on the part of France, the failure of the global approach to armed conflicts favoring the three D (Defense, Diplomacy and Development) and the failure of the democratic system in African states. But the statebuilding is the best solution that could effectively pull African states from the intra-state armed conflicts that are eating them up. It’s up to every African to think about how to rebuild the state in Africa.
Author Keywords: Bankruptcy, Defense, Effectiveness, Françafrique, Genocide, Legitimacy, Statebuilding, War.
Abstract: (french)
L’Afrique est depuis la fin du système bipolaire confrontée à la recrudescence des conflits armés intra-étatiques. Face à ces conflits armés, on remarque une solidarité de la communauté internationale, au premier rang de laquelle se trouvent certaines organisations internationales et certaines grandes puissances qui interviennent militairement dans lesdits conflits armés. Concernant les interventions militaires des grandes puissances, force est de constater que la France est l’une des grandes puissances qui s’activent le mieux en Afrique. Ses interventions militaires se sont multipliées pendant la période post-bipolaire. Mais les opinions sont divisées par rapport à l’efficacité de ces interventions militaires. Elles sont efficaces pour certains et inefficaces pour d’autres. De notre part, nous dégageons d’une part, le bilan actif et d’autre part, le bilan passif de ces interventions militaires. Les facteurs concourant au bilan actif de ces interventions militaires sont notamment la recherche de leur légitimation, leur promptitude, la capacité militaire de la France et son influence sur la scène internationale. Et les facteurs concourant au bilan passif de ces interventions militaires sont notamment la quête ou la préservation des intérêts de la part de la France, la défaillance de l’approche globale des conflits armés privilégiant les trois D (Défense, Diplomatie et Développement) et la défaillance du système démocratique dans les Etats africains. Mais le statebuilding est la meilleure des solutions qui pourrait tirer de manière efficace les Etats africains des conflits armés intra-étatiques qui les rongent. A chaque Africain de penser sur la manière de reconstruire l’Etat en Afrique.
Author Keywords: Faillite, Défense, Efficacité, Françafrique, Génocide, Légitimité, Statebuilding, Guerre.
How to Cite this Article
KILWA SIBUMBA Eustache, “France’s military interventions in intra-state armed conflicts in Africa : Comparative study of cases of the Central African Republic, Mali and Rwanda,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 45, no. 1, pp. 62–88, October 2019.