Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 180–187
Thomas MUPENDA Kikuni1 and Masamba Jean WALANGULULU2
1 Section Agronomie Générale, Institut Supérieur d'Etudes Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, ISEAV-MUSHWESHWE, Bukavu, Sud-Kivu, RD Congo
2 Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université Catholique de Bukavu, UCB, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The goal fundamental of this work, consist in studying the state phytosanitary of cassava in the rural area on the west coastline of Lake Kivu in South Kivu Province (DR Congo). So five illnesses have been signaled like constraints to the culture of cassava in the rural area of the South Kivu. The higher incidence of Cassava Mosaic Virus (CMV) has been recorded in Mudaka grouping with 77.6%. The severity in that area was 3.25. The lower incidence was found in Irhambi-Katana area with 67.3%. The overall average of CMV incidence in the rural area was 69.49%. The overall average CMV severity was 3.14. The Cassava Green Mite (CGM) was signaled in the rural area with an incidence of 27.38% and severity of 2.49. The highest incidence was found in Miti area with 52.17%. The severity in that area was 3.08. The anthracnose was signaled in rural area of South Kivu province with an incidence of 8.59% and severity of 2.39. The higher incidence was recorded in Mudaka area with 15.68% and lower incidence in Miti area with 5.46%. The Cassava leaf disease task was signaled in the rural area with an incidence of 49.3% and severity of 2.36. The highest incidence was recorded in Miti area with 65.44% and lower incidence in Irhambi-Katana area with 40.29%. The Mealy Bug (MB) has been signaled in the rural area with an incidence of 12.11% and severity of 2.3.
Author Keywords: The mosaic, the cochineal, the acarien, the cassava disease task, Kabare-North.
Volume 20, Issue 1, January 2016, Pages 180–187
Thomas MUPENDA Kikuni1 and Masamba Jean WALANGULULU2
1 Section Agronomie Générale, Institut Supérieur d'Etudes Agronomiques et Vétérinaires, ISEAV-MUSHWESHWE, Bukavu, Sud-Kivu, RD Congo
2 Faculté des Sciences Agronomiques, Université Catholique de Bukavu, UCB, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The goal fundamental of this work, consist in studying the state phytosanitary of cassava in the rural area on the west coastline of Lake Kivu in South Kivu Province (DR Congo). So five illnesses have been signaled like constraints to the culture of cassava in the rural area of the South Kivu. The higher incidence of Cassava Mosaic Virus (CMV) has been recorded in Mudaka grouping with 77.6%. The severity in that area was 3.25. The lower incidence was found in Irhambi-Katana area with 67.3%. The overall average of CMV incidence in the rural area was 69.49%. The overall average CMV severity was 3.14. The Cassava Green Mite (CGM) was signaled in the rural area with an incidence of 27.38% and severity of 2.49. The highest incidence was found in Miti area with 52.17%. The severity in that area was 3.08. The anthracnose was signaled in rural area of South Kivu province with an incidence of 8.59% and severity of 2.39. The higher incidence was recorded in Mudaka area with 15.68% and lower incidence in Miti area with 5.46%. The Cassava leaf disease task was signaled in the rural area with an incidence of 49.3% and severity of 2.36. The highest incidence was recorded in Miti area with 65.44% and lower incidence in Irhambi-Katana area with 40.29%. The Mealy Bug (MB) has been signaled in the rural area with an incidence of 12.11% and severity of 2.3.
Author Keywords: The mosaic, the cochineal, the acarien, the cassava disease task, Kabare-North.
Abstract: (french)
Le but fondamental de ce travail, consiste à étudier l'état phytosanitaire du manioc en milieu rural du Sud-Kivu, RD Congo. Ainsi cinq ennemis de la culture du manioc ont été signalés comme contrainte à la culture du manioc en milieu rural du Sud-Kivu, RD Congo. La mosaïque est la maladie la plus désastreuse dans tous les groupements. Le groupement de Mudaka a enregistré l'incidence élevée par rapport aux autres, soient 77.60%. La sévérité dans ce groupement a été de 3.25. L'incidence faible a été trouvée à Irhambi-Katana soient 67.3%. L'incidence moyenne dans le milieu d'étude a été de 69.49% et la sévérité moyenne de 3.14. Les acariens verts ont été signalés dans tous les groupements enquêtés. Le groupement de Miti a enregistré l'incidence la plus élevée soient 52.17% et sa sévérité a été de 3.08. L'incidence moyenne dans le milieu d'étude a été de 27.38% et 2.49 comme sévérité moyenne. L'anthracnose a été signalée dans tous les groupements. Mudaka a enregistré l'incidence élevée soient 15.68%. Le groupement de Miti a enregistré l'incidence la moins élevée soient 5.46%. L'incidence pour l'ensemble a été de 8.59% et la sévérité moyenne de 2.39. La tacheture foliaire a été présente dans tous les groupements. L'incidence la plus élevée a été trouvée à Miti soient 65.44% et l'incidence la moins élevée a été trouvée à Irhambi-Katana soient 40.29%. L'incidence moyenne pour tous les groupements a été de 49.3% et la sévérité moyenne de 2.36. La cochenille du manioc a été signalée dans tous les groupements. Irhambi-Katana a enregistré l'incidence la plus élevée soient 20.07% et l'incidence la moins éleevée a été trouvée à Bushumba soient 6.52%. L'incidence pour l'ensemble a été de 12.% et la sévérité moyenne de 2.3.
Author Keywords: La mosaïque, l'acarien, la cochenille, la tacheture foliaire, Kabare-Nord.
How to Cite this Article
Thomas MUPENDA Kikuni and Masamba Jean WALANGULULU, “STATUS PHYTOSANITARY OF CASSAVA (Manihot esculenta crantz) IN RURAL AREA OF SOUTH KIVU, WESTERN COAST OF LAKE KIVU, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 180–187, January 2016.