International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research
ISSN: 2351-8014
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Correlation between the performance of 5th year primary school students in Kisangani in French spelling and in text comprehension

[ Corrélation entre la performance des élèves de 5e année primaire de Kisangani en orthographe française et en compréhension de texte ]

Volume 69, Issue 1, October 2023, Pages 95–102

 Correlation between the performance of 5th year primary school students in Kisangani in French spelling and in text comprehension

Emile Malamba Shongo1

1 Université de Lodja, Province de Sankuru, RD Congo

Original language: French

Copyright © 2023 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


Man is called upon to communicate with his fellow human beings by means of language implemented either by speech or by writing. In undertaking this research, we wanted to identify the level of mastery of 5th grade primary school students in Kisangani in French spelling and reading comprehension and to evaluate the degree of correlation between the performance of these students in spelling and reading comprehension. The data analysed in this study came from the educational planning and evaluation service of the University of Kisangani. After analysis, it was found that the performance of the students was low in both spelling and reading. And, there is a positive and significant correlation between spelling and reading performance. This suggests that a student who can write understands what he or she is writing and vice versa.

Author Keywords: Average, Kisangani town, primary 5th, reading, spelling.

Abstract: (french)

L’homme est appelé à communiquer avec ses semblables au moyen du langage mis en œuvre soit par la parole, soit par l’écriture. En entreprenant cette recherche, nous avons voulu identifier le niveau de maîtrise des élèves de 5è année primaire de Kisangani en orthographe française et en compréhension d’un texte et évaluer le degré de corrélation entre la performance de ces élèves en orthographe et la compréhension de texte. Les données analysées dans le cadre de ce travail proviennent du service de planification et d’évaluation en Education de l’université de Kisangani. Après analyse, il s’est avéré que le rendement des élèves est faible, aussi bien en orthographe qu’en lecture. Et, il existe une corrélation positive et significative entre le rendement en orthographe et en lecture. Ceci laisse entrevoir qu’un élève qui sait écrire comprend ce qu’il écrit et cela vice versa.

Author Keywords: Kisangani, lecture, orthographe, Performances, 5e primaire.

How to Cite this Article

Emile Malamba Shongo, “Correlation between the performance of 5th year primary school students in Kisangani in French spelling and in text comprehension,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 95–102, October 2023.