[ Evaluation du PIB d’une entité territoriale dans le contexte d’incertitude de l’estimation au plan national: Quelle approche privilégier ? Cas de PIB provincial en RD Congo ]
Volume 60, Issue 2, May 2022, Pages 106–117

Daniel Gonzato Bina w N.1
1 Professeur d’économie et de statistiques, Université de Gbado-Lite, Nord Ubangi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
« Non-economists » strongly criticize the concept of GDP because it gives too much space to the market, to finance and less to the non-market, social, or environmental costs of production, human rights or freedoms. Considering all the proposed elements already make the calculation of a country’s GDP more complex, what about the GDP of separate entities within a country? States such as Canada, the United Kingdom, France, the United States (US), and recently Tunisia have made the regional GDP an important instrument of their economic and social policies. As structured economies, largely monetized and equipped with statistical tools, they have developed and applied efficient calculation methods. This article is intended to be forward-looking/exploratory for the calculation of the regional GDP in DR Congo, a country characterized, in particular, by a significant weight of the informal sector; a high rate of economic and financial crime (money laundering, embezzlement, large-scale corruption of policymakers, government leaders, financial authorities, public, mixed or private companies, etc.), and a high contribution of its diaspora established throughout the world (in the household management expenditure in DR Congo).
Author Keywords: GDP, region, added value, industry, ecology, income, indicator.
Volume 60, Issue 2, May 2022, Pages 106–117

Daniel Gonzato Bina w N.1
1 Professeur d’économie et de statistiques, Université de Gbado-Lite, Nord Ubangi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
« Non-economists » strongly criticize the concept of GDP because it gives too much space to the market, to finance and less to the non-market, social, or environmental costs of production, human rights or freedoms. Considering all the proposed elements already make the calculation of a country’s GDP more complex, what about the GDP of separate entities within a country? States such as Canada, the United Kingdom, France, the United States (US), and recently Tunisia have made the regional GDP an important instrument of their economic and social policies. As structured economies, largely monetized and equipped with statistical tools, they have developed and applied efficient calculation methods. This article is intended to be forward-looking/exploratory for the calculation of the regional GDP in DR Congo, a country characterized, in particular, by a significant weight of the informal sector; a high rate of economic and financial crime (money laundering, embezzlement, large-scale corruption of policymakers, government leaders, financial authorities, public, mixed or private companies, etc.), and a high contribution of its diaspora established throughout the world (in the household management expenditure in DR Congo).
Author Keywords: GDP, region, added value, industry, ecology, income, indicator.
Abstract: (french)
Le concept PIB est vivement critiqué par le « non économiste », comme accordant trop de place aux marchands, finances et moins aux non marchands, coûts sociaux ou environnementaux de la production, droits ou libertés de l’Homme. Déjà que la prise en compte de l’ensemble des éléments suggérés complexifie davantage le calcul du PIB d’un pays; que dire du PIB des entités distinctes au sein d’un pays ? Des Etats comme le Canada, la Grande Bretagne, la France, les Etats-Unis (USA) et récemment la Tunisie ont fait du PIB régional un instrument majeur de leurs politiques économiques et sociales. Comme économies structurées, largement monétarisées et dotées d’appareil statistique outillé, ils ont élaboré et mis en place des méthodes de calcul efficientes. Cet article a une vocation prospective/exploratrice pour le calcul de PIB régional en RD Congo, un pays caractérisé notamment par un poids important du secteur informel; un taux élevé de criminalités économico financières (blanchiments, détournements, corruption à grande échelle de décideurs politiques, dirigeants d’administrations, de régies financières, d’entreprises publiques, mixtes ou privées, etc.), un apport significatif de sa diaspora établie à travers le monde (dans la prise en charge des dépenses des ménages en RD Congo).
Author Keywords: PIB, région, valeur ajoutée, industrie, écologie, revenu, indicateur.
How to Cite this Article
Daniel Gonzato Bina w N., “Assessing the GDP of a territorial unit in uncertainty about national forecasts: What is the preferred approach ? The case of provincial GDP in DR Congo,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 106–117, May 2022.