Volume 55, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 86–99
Sylvie Kalume Feza1 and Jean-Pierre Manga Elongo2
1 Assistante, Département de droit public, Faculté de droit, Université de Kindu, RD Congo
2 Professeur, Département de droit public, Faculté de droit, Université de Kindu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The Sacred Principle of Equality between Men and Women deserves a very thorough analysis both on its content and on its application by states. In order to study the different sources of the principle of equality between men and women, it should be noted that they are of two kinds: some are international in nature while others are national. It is well known that international law on parity provides a framework for promoting and protecting women's human rights. Moreover, the obligation to protect women's rights has been taken into account by several multilateral treaties. But it was with the creation of the United Nations, whose charter proclaimed the promotion and encouragement of respect for fundamental rights and freedoms by all, regardless of race, language and religion. It is one of the main goals of the organization that was laid by the foundations of a comprehensive international legal system of the protection of women's rights that exists today and to which women as human beings are fully entitled. Women also have the right to the protection enshrined in legal instruments under international, criminal and humanitarian law and international labour law. In the absence of the political will of the states that have ratified it, no concrete changes can be seen to improve the situation of women for their participation in companies.
Author Keywords: Analysis, application, Law, Man, Woman, Company, Congo, Regideso, SNL, Maniema.
Volume 55, Issue 1, June 2021, Pages 86–99
Sylvie Kalume Feza1 and Jean-Pierre Manga Elongo2
1 Assistante, Département de droit public, Faculté de droit, Université de Kindu, RD Congo
2 Professeur, Département de droit public, Faculté de droit, Université de Kindu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The Sacred Principle of Equality between Men and Women deserves a very thorough analysis both on its content and on its application by states. In order to study the different sources of the principle of equality between men and women, it should be noted that they are of two kinds: some are international in nature while others are national. It is well known that international law on parity provides a framework for promoting and protecting women's human rights. Moreover, the obligation to protect women's rights has been taken into account by several multilateral treaties. But it was with the creation of the United Nations, whose charter proclaimed the promotion and encouragement of respect for fundamental rights and freedoms by all, regardless of race, language and religion. It is one of the main goals of the organization that was laid by the foundations of a comprehensive international legal system of the protection of women's rights that exists today and to which women as human beings are fully entitled. Women also have the right to the protection enshrined in legal instruments under international, criminal and humanitarian law and international labour law. In the absence of the political will of the states that have ratified it, no concrete changes can be seen to improve the situation of women for their participation in companies.
Author Keywords: Analysis, application, Law, Man, Woman, Company, Congo, Regideso, SNL, Maniema.
Abstract: (french)
Le Principe sacré de l’égalité entre l’homme et la femme mérite une analyse très approfondie tant sur son contenu que sur son application par les Etats. Pour procéder à l’étude des différentes sources du principe de l’égalité entre homme et femme il convient de signaler qu’elles sont de deux ordres: Certains sont d’ordre international tandis que d’autres sont d’ordre national. Le Droit international de la parité offre, on le sait, un cadre de promotion et de protection des droits fondamentaux des femmes. D’ailleurs, l’obligation de protéger le droit des femmes a été prise en compte par plusieurs traités multilatéraux. Mais c’est avec la création de l’organisation des Nations Unies dont la charte proclama la promotion et l’encouragement du respect des droits et de libertés fondamentales par tous, sans distinction de race, de langue au de religion. C’est l’un des buts principaux de l’organisation qu’on était jetées par les fondations d’un système juridique international global de la protection des droits de femmes qui existe aujourd’hui et auquel les femmes entant qu’être humain ont pleinement droit. Les femmes ont aussi le droit de bénéficier de la protection consacrée dans les instruments juridiques relevant du droit international, pénal et humanitaire et du droit international du travail. Faute de volonté politique des Etats qui l’on ratifié, aucun changement concret ne peut être constaté pour améliorer la situation des femmes pour leur participation dans les entreprises.
Author Keywords: Analyse, application, Loi, Homme, Femme, Entreprise, Congo, Regideso, SNL, Maniema.
How to Cite this Article
Sylvie Kalume Feza and Jean-Pierre Manga Elongo, “CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE APPLICATION OF THE LAW ON « MALE AND FEMALE » PARITY IN COMPANIES IN THE RD CONGO: CASE OF REGIDESO AND S.N.L, MANIEMA,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 55, no. 1, pp. 86–99, June 2021.