[ Diagnostic de la fertilité chimique des sols sous anacarderaies (Anacardium occcidentale L.) dans le département de Korhogo au nord de la Côte d'Ivoire ]
Volume 53, Issue 1, February 2021, Pages 50–60

Diomandé Loua Barthélémy1, Soro Sibirina2, KONE Dofoungo3, and Adingra Kouakou Dongo Paul4
1 Université Peleforo GON COULIBALY, Institut de Gestion Agropastorale, Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire
2 Université Peleforo GON COULIBALY, Institut de Gestion Agropastorale, Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire
3 UMRI Sciences Agronomiques et Génie Rural, Ecole Doctorale Polytechnique, Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny de Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire
4 Université Peleforo GON COULIBALY, Institut de Gestion Agropastorale, Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In Ivory Coast, the cultivation of the cashew tree (Anacardium occcidentale L.) contributes significantly to the influence and well-being of the populations of the Center and North areas where the poverty rate is high. One of the major constraints encountered is low productivity. The average yield of raw cashew nuts is 547 kg / ha compared to 1598 kg / ha in Nigeria and 9380 kg / ha in Vietnam in 2018. One of the efforts to increase productivity is the sustainable management of soil fertility. The aim of this study is to diagnose the level of chemical fertility of the soils of cashew orchards. Twenty-one orchards at least 20 years old were randomly selected from Korhogo County. Under these orchards, the soil was sampled between 0-30 cm depth. In each orchard, 21 composite samples each from 32 incremental samples were taken. These samples were analyzed for pH and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese contents. These values obtained were compared to the critical limits in order to determine the level of fertility. The results show that the soils are acidic to very acidic. The carbon, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium and zinc contents vary from low to very low levels. The content of available phosphorus is good in some orchards. On the other hand, iron, copper and manganese have a high to very high level. Determining adequate manure can improve fertility levels.
Author Keywords: Cashew tree, soil, chemical fertility, productivity, Korhogo department.
Volume 53, Issue 1, February 2021, Pages 50–60

Diomandé Loua Barthélémy1, Soro Sibirina2, KONE Dofoungo3, and Adingra Kouakou Dongo Paul4
1 Université Peleforo GON COULIBALY, Institut de Gestion Agropastorale, Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire
2 Université Peleforo GON COULIBALY, Institut de Gestion Agropastorale, Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire
3 UMRI Sciences Agronomiques et Génie Rural, Ecole Doctorale Polytechnique, Institut National Polytechnique Félix Houphouët-Boigny de Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire
4 Université Peleforo GON COULIBALY, Institut de Gestion Agropastorale, Korhogo, Côte d’Ivoire
Original language: French
Copyright © 2021 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In Ivory Coast, the cultivation of the cashew tree (Anacardium occcidentale L.) contributes significantly to the influence and well-being of the populations of the Center and North areas where the poverty rate is high. One of the major constraints encountered is low productivity. The average yield of raw cashew nuts is 547 kg / ha compared to 1598 kg / ha in Nigeria and 9380 kg / ha in Vietnam in 2018. One of the efforts to increase productivity is the sustainable management of soil fertility. The aim of this study is to diagnose the level of chemical fertility of the soils of cashew orchards. Twenty-one orchards at least 20 years old were randomly selected from Korhogo County. Under these orchards, the soil was sampled between 0-30 cm depth. In each orchard, 21 composite samples each from 32 incremental samples were taken. These samples were analyzed for pH and nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, copper and manganese contents. These values obtained were compared to the critical limits in order to determine the level of fertility. The results show that the soils are acidic to very acidic. The carbon, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium and zinc contents vary from low to very low levels. The content of available phosphorus is good in some orchards. On the other hand, iron, copper and manganese have a high to very high level. Determining adequate manure can improve fertility levels.
Author Keywords: Cashew tree, soil, chemical fertility, productivity, Korhogo department.
Abstract: (french)
En Côte d’Ivoire, la culture de l’anacardier (Anacardium occcidentale L.) contribue significativement au rayonnement et au bien-être des populations des zones Centre et Nord où le taux de pauvreté est élevé. Une des contraintes majeures rencontrées est la faible productivité. Le rendement moyen en noix brutes de cajou est 547 kg/ha contre 1598 kg/ha au Nigéria et 9380 kg/ha au Vietnam en 2018. Un des efforts à fournir pour augmenter la productivité est la gestion durable de la fertilité des sols. Cette étude a pour but de diagnostiquer le niveau de fertilité chimique des sols des vergers d’anacardiers. Vingt-et-un vergers âgés d’au moins 20 ans ont été choisis de façon aléatoire dans le département de Korhogo. Sous ces vergers, le sol a été échantillonné entre 0-30 cm de profondeur. Dans chaque verger, 21 échantillons composites issus chacun de 32 échantillons élémentaires ont été prélevés. Ces échantillons ont été analysés pour le pH et les teneurs en azote, phosphore, potassium, calcium, magnésium, sodium, fer, zinc, cuivre et manganèse. Ces valeurs obtenues ont été comparées aux seuils critiques afin de déterminer le niveau de fertilité. Les résultats montrent que les sols sont acides à très acides. Les teneurs en carbone, azote, potassium, magnésium, calcium, sodium et zinc variant des niveaux faibles à très faibles. La teneur en phosphore assimilable est bonne sous certains vergers. Par contre, le fer, le cuivre et le manganèse ont un niveau élevé à très élevé. La détermination d’une fumure adéquate peut redresser le niveau de fertilité.
Author Keywords: Anacardier, sol, fertilité chimique, productivité, département de Korhogo.
How to Cite this Article
Diomandé Loua Barthélémy, Soro Sibirina, KONE Dofoungo, and Adingra Kouakou Dongo Paul, “Diagnosis of the chemical fertility of soils under cashew groves (Anacardium occcidentale L.) in the department of Korhogo in the north of Côte d'Ivoire,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 50–60, February 2021.