Volume 44, Issue 1, August 2019, Pages 69–84

1 Assistant, ISDR-BUKAVU, RD Congo
2 Licenciée en Développement Rural, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The coastal environments are highly coveted for their tourist and economic interests and constitute fragile ecosystems, sensitive to human’s actions: Pollution, artificialization, drying up, industrialization, urbanization, etc. shipbuilding has often contributed to aggravating the phenomena of erosion and retreat of coastlines. The heightening of coastal of Lake Kivu creates many pressures, particularly in the south basin. This southern basin of Lake Kivu is coveted by housing, hotels and churches, and is at the crossroads of commercial activities that alter them more and more. Out of a total of 19.14km of study, the occupied area is 11.07km with a high concentration of dwellings between the National Coffee Office (Bagira) and LABAOTE (see map). All these anthropogenic actions are source of pollution and destruction of the ecosystem of Lake Kivu in general and its littoral in particular. To remedy this, this article proposes to start the sectoral relocation of the occupants of the southern basin of Lake Kivu. Failing this, transitional strategies consisting of setting up a waste management network, delimiting the public domain, etc. are recommended for this purpose.
Author Keywords: management, shore, pond, lake kivu, environment, coastline.

1 Assistant, ISDR-BUKAVU, RD Congo
2 Licenciée en Développement Rural, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2019 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The coastal environments are highly coveted for their tourist and economic interests and constitute fragile ecosystems, sensitive to human’s actions: Pollution, artificialization, drying up, industrialization, urbanization, etc. shipbuilding has often contributed to aggravating the phenomena of erosion and retreat of coastlines. The heightening of coastal of Lake Kivu creates many pressures, particularly in the south basin. This southern basin of Lake Kivu is coveted by housing, hotels and churches, and is at the crossroads of commercial activities that alter them more and more. Out of a total of 19.14km of study, the occupied area is 11.07km with a high concentration of dwellings between the National Coffee Office (Bagira) and LABAOTE (see map). All these anthropogenic actions are source of pollution and destruction of the ecosystem of Lake Kivu in general and its littoral in particular. To remedy this, this article proposes to start the sectoral relocation of the occupants of the southern basin of Lake Kivu. Failing this, transitional strategies consisting of setting up a waste management network, delimiting the public domain, etc. are recommended for this purpose.
Author Keywords: management, shore, pond, lake kivu, environment, coastline.
Abstract: (french)
Les milieux côtiers sont très convoités pour leurs intérêts touristiques et économiques et constituent des écosystèmes fragiles, sensibles à l’action des agents anthropiques: Pollution, artificialisation, assèchement, industrialisation, urbanisation, etc. Les aménagements à proximité du rivage, ont souvent contribué à aggraver les phénomènes d’érosion et de recul de traits de côtes. Les dunes littorales du lac Kivu suscitent des pressions multiples, particulièrement son bassin sud. Ce bassin sud du lac Kivu est convoité par des constructions de logis d’habitation, de passage et églises, et est au carrefour des activités commerciales qui les altèrent de plus en plus. Sur un total de 19,14km d’étude, le milieu occupé est de 11,07km avec une forte concentration des habitations entre l’Office National du Café (Bagira) et LABAOTE. Toutes ces actions anthropiques sont source de pollution et de destruction de l’écosystème du lac Kivu en général et de son littoral en particulier. Pour y remédier, cet article propose de mettre en chantier la délocalisation sectorielle des occupants du bassin sud du lac Kivu. A défaut, stratégies transitoires consistant à mettre en place un réseau d’assainissement de gestion de déchets, à bien délimiter le domaine public, etc. sont préconisées pour cette fin.
Author Keywords: gestion, rive, bassin, lac kivu, environnement, littoral.
How to Cite this Article
CITULI ALINIRHU Vedaste and YENE KARHAKUBWA Kelly, “Gestion des dix mètres de rive du bassin sud du lac Kivu (Est de la RD Congo) et son impact sur l’environnement de son littoral,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 69–84, August 2019.