Volume 40, Issue 1, December 2018, Pages 141–154
1 Faculté de sciences sociales l’ULKT, SUD-KIVU, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The gravity of international crimes has led the international community to condemn them as a whole, and whose national laws have sprouted in order to build a more peaceful society based on justice. The trial being always a dangerous situation, procedural guarantees must be respected and on the basis of which will be examined the value of the conclusion of the final result of the jurisdictional work. The realization of this objective demonstrates that the history of humanity is full of immeasurable efforts to ensure the judicial protection of all parties to the trial, particularly the accused. On the one hand, African leaders have updated an African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights in which an African Human Rights Court has been established. On the other hand, it adopted the guidelines and principles on the right to a fair trial and to legal aid in Africa. Regarding the situation in the DRC, it should be noted that myth or reality, in any case, the Rome Statute instituting the ICC is internalized in the customs of Congolese magistrates that go to its direct application. Having been the scene of several violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law, the DRC, through its constituent of 2006, has scathed to incorporate the essential legal and procedural safeguards provided for in international law into its Constitution.
Author Keywords: case, light, guarantees, fair trial.
1 Faculté de sciences sociales l’ULKT, SUD-KIVU, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The gravity of international crimes has led the international community to condemn them as a whole, and whose national laws have sprouted in order to build a more peaceful society based on justice. The trial being always a dangerous situation, procedural guarantees must be respected and on the basis of which will be examined the value of the conclusion of the final result of the jurisdictional work. The realization of this objective demonstrates that the history of humanity is full of immeasurable efforts to ensure the judicial protection of all parties to the trial, particularly the accused. On the one hand, African leaders have updated an African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights in which an African Human Rights Court has been established. On the other hand, it adopted the guidelines and principles on the right to a fair trial and to legal aid in Africa. Regarding the situation in the DRC, it should be noted that myth or reality, in any case, the Rome Statute instituting the ICC is internalized in the customs of Congolese magistrates that go to its direct application. Having been the scene of several violations of international humanitarian law and human rights law, the DRC, through its constituent of 2006, has scathed to incorporate the essential legal and procedural safeguards provided for in international law into its Constitution.
Author Keywords: case, light, guarantees, fair trial.
Abstract: (french)
La gravité des crimes internationaux a conduit la communauté internationale à les réprouver dans son ensemble, et dont les législations nationales ont subi les germes dans l’objectif de bâtir une société plus paisible qui se fonde sur la justice. Le procès étant toujours une situation dangereuse, des garanties procédurales doivent être respectées et sur base desquelles sera examinée la valeur de la conclusion du résultat final de l’œuvre juridictionnelle. La réalisation de cet objectif démontre que l’histoire de l’humanité regorge d’incommensurables efforts tendant à assurer la protection juridictionnelle de toutes les parties au procès particulièrement l’accusé. D’un côté, les dirigeants africains ont mis à jour une Charte africaine des droits de l’homme et des peuples dans laquelle une Cour africaine des droits de l’homme a été instituée. D’autre côté, elle a adopté les directives et principes sur le droit à un procès équitable et à l’assistance judiciaire en Afrique. En ce qui est de la situation de la RDC, il est à signaler que mythe ou réalité, en toute hypothèse, le statut de Rome instituant la CPI s’intériorise dans les mœurs des magistrats congolais qui vont jusqu’à son application directe. Ayant été le théâtre de plusieurs violations du droit international humanitaire et de droit de l’homme, la RDC, par le biais de son constituant de 2006, a ferraillé ardemment pour intégrer l’essentiel des garanties judiciaires et procédurales prévues en droit international dans sa Constitution.
Author Keywords: affaire, lumière, garanties, procès équitable.
How to Cite this Article
NIPO BIGIRINAMA Fabrice, “ANALYSE DE L’AFFAIRE SONGO MBOYO A LA LUMIERE DES GARANTIES DU PROCES EQUITABLE,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 40, no. 1, pp. 141–154, December 2018.