Volume 38, Issue 2, September 2018, Pages 280–288
1 Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l’Education, Département des Sciences de l’Education, Université de Kisangani, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In this study, related to the design of sex education by Logo students living in the city of Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of Congo, we worked with a sample of 80 subjects from six institutions of higher education and university. Using the survey method, data collection was done using a questionnaire. In the end, we realized the respondents have a varied consequence of sexuality. The purpose of sexuality is multiple, including offspring, exercising in future marital life, discovering each other and having fun with the opposite sex partner. Respondents also expressed a negative opinion about pre-marital sexuality, although they were interested in any discussion of sexuality. The experience of morality and sexuality is at once disordered, commerce, sometimes a voluntary act. The nature of sexuality is to be discouraged. For some, it is imposed, while for others, it is responsible and does not prepare for married life. Similarly, the respondents stated that they were not introduced to morality and sexuality, although sexuality is considered an initiation to marriage and intimacy. High school is the most cited information channel.
Author Keywords: sexuality, morality, sex education, moral education, traditional education, Logo.
Volume 38, Issue 2, September 2018, Pages 280–288
1 Faculté de Psychologie et des Sciences de l’Education, Département des Sciences de l’Education, Université de Kisangani, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2018 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In this study, related to the design of sex education by Logo students living in the city of Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of Congo, we worked with a sample of 80 subjects from six institutions of higher education and university. Using the survey method, data collection was done using a questionnaire. In the end, we realized the respondents have a varied consequence of sexuality. The purpose of sexuality is multiple, including offspring, exercising in future marital life, discovering each other and having fun with the opposite sex partner. Respondents also expressed a negative opinion about pre-marital sexuality, although they were interested in any discussion of sexuality. The experience of morality and sexuality is at once disordered, commerce, sometimes a voluntary act. The nature of sexuality is to be discouraged. For some, it is imposed, while for others, it is responsible and does not prepare for married life. Similarly, the respondents stated that they were not introduced to morality and sexuality, although sexuality is considered an initiation to marriage and intimacy. High school is the most cited information channel.
Author Keywords: sexuality, morality, sex education, moral education, traditional education, Logo.
Abstract: (french)
Dans cette étude ayant trait à la conception de l’éducation sexuelle par les étudiants Logo habitant la ville de Kisangani en République Démocratique du Congo, nous avons travaillé avec un échantillon de 80 sujets issus de six établissement d’enseignement supérieur et universitaire. Recourant à la méthode d’enquête, la collecte des données s’est faite à l’aide d’un questionnaire. A la fin, nous nous sommes rendu compte les enquêtés ont une conséquence variée de la sexualité. Le but de la sexualité est multiple, c’est notamment la progéniture, s’exercer à la vie conjugale future, se découvrir mutuellement et s’amuser avec le partenaire de sexe opposé. Aussi, les enquêtés ont émis une opinion négative quant à la sexualité avant le mariage, bien qu’ils soient intéressés à toute causerie sur la sexualité. Le vécu de la morale et de la sexualité est à la fois désordonné, du commerce, de fois un acte librement consenti. La nature de la sexualité est à décourager. Pour les uns, elle est imposée, alors que pour les autres, elle est responsable et ne prépare pas à la vie conjugale. De même, les enquêtés ont affirmé n’avoir pas été initié à la morale et à la sexualité, bien que la sexualité soit considérée comme une initiation au mariage et une intimité. L’école secondaire est le canal d’information le plus cité.
Author Keywords: sexualité, morale, éducation sexuelle, éducation morale, éducation traditionnelle, Logo.
How to Cite this Article
Marcel NYEMBA MASANGU, “CONCEPTION DE L'EDUCATION SEXUELLE PAR LES ETUDIANTS LOGO HABITANT KISANGNAI EN REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 38, no. 2, pp. 280–288, September 2018.