Volume 33, Issue 1, October 2017, Pages 45–55

Gildas Parfait NDJOUONDO1, Marie Louise BA’ANA ETOUNDI2, Roland Didier NWAMO3, Henri FANKEM4, and Siegfried Didier DIBONG5
1 Département de Biologie des Organismes Végétaux, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Douala, B.P. 24157 Douala, Cameroon
2 Département de Géographie, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Université de Douala, B.P. 3132 Douala, Cameroon
3 Département d’Aquaculture, Institut des Sciences Halieutiques, Université de Douala, B.P. 2701 Douala, Cameroon
4 Département de Biologie des Organismes Végétaux, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Douala, B.P. 24157 Douala, Cameroon
5 Département de Biologie des Organismes Végétaux, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Douala, B.P. 24157 Douala, Cameroon
Original language: French
Copyright © 2017 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The anarchic and rampant human impact in the city of Douala is the cause of the deterioration of its wetlands. The overall objective of the study is to determine the water quality of Kambo and Longmayagui rivers of Douala located in peri-urban and urban center respectively from Diatoms indexes. Organic materials and stones were sampled in each river. A total of 43 species belonging to 9 families and 22 genera were identified. The Diatom index is 4.0 to Kambo river (site 1) and 6.9 to Longmayagui river (site 2). These indexes show that Kambo river is less polluted, while Longmayagui river is polluted. The most frequent and abundant Diatoms in the samples of the two streams, Batika river characteristics (control) and Kambo can be used as indicators of unpolluted environment. These are : Amphipleura pellucida Kuetzing, Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenberg) Simonsen, Cymatopleura solea Bourrelly, Cymbella amphicephala Naegeli, Cymbella cesatii (Rabenhorst) Grunow, Cymbella frustula Krammer and Lange-Berthalot, Cymbella naviculiformis Averswald, Diatoma mesodon (Ehrenberg) Kuetzing, Fragilaria capucina (Kuetzing) Lange-Bertalot, Melosira varians JG Agarda, Navicula accomoda Hustedt, Navicula nivalis Ehrenberg, Nitzschia fonticola Grunow, Pinnularia gibba Ehrenberg and Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kuetzing. Monitoring, based on biological indexes of algae could be developed in order to prevent risks of disruption due to various pollutants.
Author Keywords: diatoms, pollution indices, rivers, Longmayagui and Kambo, Douala.
Volume 33, Issue 1, October 2017, Pages 45–55

Gildas Parfait NDJOUONDO1, Marie Louise BA’ANA ETOUNDI2, Roland Didier NWAMO3, Henri FANKEM4, and Siegfried Didier DIBONG5
1 Département de Biologie des Organismes Végétaux, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Douala, B.P. 24157 Douala, Cameroon
2 Département de Géographie, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Université de Douala, B.P. 3132 Douala, Cameroon
3 Département d’Aquaculture, Institut des Sciences Halieutiques, Université de Douala, B.P. 2701 Douala, Cameroon
4 Département de Biologie des Organismes Végétaux, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Douala, B.P. 24157 Douala, Cameroon
5 Département de Biologie des Organismes Végétaux, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Douala, B.P. 24157 Douala, Cameroon
Original language: French
Copyright © 2017 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The anarchic and rampant human impact in the city of Douala is the cause of the deterioration of its wetlands. The overall objective of the study is to determine the water quality of Kambo and Longmayagui rivers of Douala located in peri-urban and urban center respectively from Diatoms indexes. Organic materials and stones were sampled in each river. A total of 43 species belonging to 9 families and 22 genera were identified. The Diatom index is 4.0 to Kambo river (site 1) and 6.9 to Longmayagui river (site 2). These indexes show that Kambo river is less polluted, while Longmayagui river is polluted. The most frequent and abundant Diatoms in the samples of the two streams, Batika river characteristics (control) and Kambo can be used as indicators of unpolluted environment. These are : Amphipleura pellucida Kuetzing, Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenberg) Simonsen, Cymatopleura solea Bourrelly, Cymbella amphicephala Naegeli, Cymbella cesatii (Rabenhorst) Grunow, Cymbella frustula Krammer and Lange-Berthalot, Cymbella naviculiformis Averswald, Diatoma mesodon (Ehrenberg) Kuetzing, Fragilaria capucina (Kuetzing) Lange-Bertalot, Melosira varians JG Agarda, Navicula accomoda Hustedt, Navicula nivalis Ehrenberg, Nitzschia fonticola Grunow, Pinnularia gibba Ehrenberg and Tabellaria flocculosa (Roth) Kuetzing. Monitoring, based on biological indexes of algae could be developed in order to prevent risks of disruption due to various pollutants.
Author Keywords: diatoms, pollution indices, rivers, Longmayagui and Kambo, Douala.
Abstract: (french)
L’anthropisation anarchique et galopante dans la ville de Douala est à l’origine de la dégradation de ses zones humides. L’objectif général de l’étude est de déterminer la qualité des eaux des rivières Kambo et Longmayagui de Douala situées respectivement en zone périurbaine et au centre urbain à partir des indices de Diatomées. Les supports organiques et les pierres ont été échantillonnés dans chaque rivière. Au total, 43 espèces réparties en 9 familles et 22 genres ont été identifiées. L’indice diatomique est de 4,0 à la rivière Kambo (site 1) et 6,9 à la rivière Longmayagui (site 2). Ces indices montrent que la rivière Kambo est non polluée alors que la rivière Longmayagui est polluée. Les Diatomées les plus fréquentes et abondantes dans les prélèvements des deux cours d’eau, caractéristiques des rivières Batika (témoin) à Yabassi et Kambo peuvent être utilisées comme indicatrices de milieu moins pollué. Il s’agit de : Amphipleura pellucida Kuetzing, Aulacoseira granulata (Ehrenberg) Simonsen, Cymatopleura solea Bourrelly, Cymbella amphicephala Naegeli, Cymbella cesatii (Rabenhorst) Grunow, Cymbella frustula Krammer et Lange-Berthalot, Cymbella naviculiformis Averswald, Diatoma mesodon (Ehrenberg) Kuetzing, Fragilaria capucina (Kuetzing) Lange-Bertalot, Melosira varians J. G. Agarda, Navicula accomoda Hustedt, Navicula nivalis Ehrenberg, Nitzschia fonticola Grunow, Pinnularia gibba Ehrenberg, Tabellaria floculosa (Roth) Kuetzing. Une surveillance, basée sur les indices biologiques des Algues pourrait être mise au point dans le but de prévenir les risques de perturbation dus aux pollutions diverses.
Author Keywords: Diatomées, Indices de pollution, rivières, Kambo et Longmayagui, Douala.
How to Cite this Article
Gildas Parfait NDJOUONDO, Marie Louise BA’ANA ETOUNDI, Roland Didier NWAMO, Henri FANKEM, and Siegfried Didier DIBONG, “COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE WATER QUALITY OF KAMBO AND LONGMAYAGUI RIVERS FROM BIOLOGICAL DIATOM INDEXES,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 45–55, October 2017.