[ Amélioration de la qualité de la pomme par l'usage des engrais foliaires: Impact économique sur les revenus de l'agriculteur ]
Volume 26, Issue 1, August 2016, Pages 280–290
Georges Aoun1, Salim Kattar2, Romy Moukarzel3, and Samir Medawar4
1 Département de Sciences générales, Université Libanaise, Faculté d’Agronomie et Sciences Vétérinaire, Lebanon
2 Département de Sciences Environnementales, Université Libanaise, Faculté d’Agronomie et Sciences Vétérinaire, Lebanon
3 Département de production végétale et d’agriculture durable, Université Libanaise, Faculté d’Agronomie et Sciences Vétérinaire, Lebanon
4 Département de Sciences Economiques, Université Libanaise, Faculté d’Agronomie et Sciences Vétérinaire, Lebanon
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Orchards for growing apples in Lebanon occupy 19% of the fruit growing area of the country, and it is the main fruit crop of the mountain areas. The varieties introduced to Lebanon since the 50's are the “Golden Delicious” and the “Starking Delicious”. At the time, all the production was sold immediately after harvest. Currently, the market demands impose a delayed sale after storage. Several diseases have appeared in storage such as the Bitter pit and scald. This has led to a loss of fruit quality and subsequently the loss of markets. Our research seeks to improve the quality of the fruits so that they become consistent with market standards while using foliar fertilizers. An analysis of the main components directly influencing the quality of the apple was conducted (malic acid, brix levels, content of calcium, nitrogen phosphorus, potassium) with the effect of these fertilizers on the Apple caliber as the criterion base in marketing. Experiments have proven that the 4 foliar fertilizers have improved the quality of fruits and have maintained their taste, sensory and physical qualities even after 4 months of storage. The economic impact of these results was assessed by estimating the expected added value that the grower will receive. The "Golden Delicious" and "Starking Delicious" orchards received an added value of 40% and 27% respectively, with a net increase in demand on the production. The Minimum Wage growth in Lebanon is 175 Euros.
Author Keywords: Golden Delicious, Starking Delicious, malic acide, brix concentration, Calcium, Phosphor, Potassium.
Volume 26, Issue 1, August 2016, Pages 280–290
Georges Aoun1, Salim Kattar2, Romy Moukarzel3, and Samir Medawar4
1 Département de Sciences générales, Université Libanaise, Faculté d’Agronomie et Sciences Vétérinaire, Lebanon
2 Département de Sciences Environnementales, Université Libanaise, Faculté d’Agronomie et Sciences Vétérinaire, Lebanon
3 Département de production végétale et d’agriculture durable, Université Libanaise, Faculté d’Agronomie et Sciences Vétérinaire, Lebanon
4 Département de Sciences Economiques, Université Libanaise, Faculté d’Agronomie et Sciences Vétérinaire, Lebanon
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Orchards for growing apples in Lebanon occupy 19% of the fruit growing area of the country, and it is the main fruit crop of the mountain areas. The varieties introduced to Lebanon since the 50's are the “Golden Delicious” and the “Starking Delicious”. At the time, all the production was sold immediately after harvest. Currently, the market demands impose a delayed sale after storage. Several diseases have appeared in storage such as the Bitter pit and scald. This has led to a loss of fruit quality and subsequently the loss of markets. Our research seeks to improve the quality of the fruits so that they become consistent with market standards while using foliar fertilizers. An analysis of the main components directly influencing the quality of the apple was conducted (malic acid, brix levels, content of calcium, nitrogen phosphorus, potassium) with the effect of these fertilizers on the Apple caliber as the criterion base in marketing. Experiments have proven that the 4 foliar fertilizers have improved the quality of fruits and have maintained their taste, sensory and physical qualities even after 4 months of storage. The economic impact of these results was assessed by estimating the expected added value that the grower will receive. The "Golden Delicious" and "Starking Delicious" orchards received an added value of 40% and 27% respectively, with a net increase in demand on the production. The Minimum Wage growth in Lebanon is 175 Euros.
Author Keywords: Golden Delicious, Starking Delicious, malic acide, brix concentration, Calcium, Phosphor, Potassium.
Abstract: (french)
La pomoculture libanaise occupe 19% de la surface arboricole du pays et constitue la principale culture fruitière des zones de montagne. Les variétés introduites au Liban depuis les années 50 sont le «Golden Delicious» et le «Starking Delicious». A l'époque, toute la production était commercialisée immédiatement après la récolte. Actuellement, les exigences du marché ont imposé une vente décalée après entreposage. Plusieurs maladies ont apparu lors de l'entreposage tel le Bitter pit et l'échaudure. Ceci conduisait a une perte de la qualité des fruits et par la suite la perte des marchés. Notre axe de recherche a pour objectif d'améliorer la qualité des fruits afin qu'elle devienne conforme aux normes du marché tout en utilisant des engrais foliaires. Une analyse des principaux éléments influençant directement la qualité de la pomme a été réalisée (acide malique, taux de brix, teneur en Calcium, Azote phosphore, potassium) et l'effet de ces engrais chimiques sur le calibre de la pomme été un critère de base dans la commercialisation. Les expériences ont prouvées que les 4 engrais foliaires utilisés ont amélioré la qualité des fruits et ont conservé les qualités gustatives, organoleptiques et physiques même après 4 mois d'entreposage. L'impact économique de ces résultats a été évalué en estimant une valeur ajoutée au niveau des revenus de l'exploitant. Pour les vergers «Golden Delicious» et les vergers «Starking delicious» une valeur ajoutée respective de 40% et 27 % a été chiffrée avec une nette augmentation de la demande sur la production. Le Salaire Minimum Interprofessionnel de Croissance au Liban est de 175 euros.
Author Keywords: Golden Delicious, Starking Delicious, acide malique, taux de brix, Calcium, Phosphore, Potassium.
How to Cite this Article
Georges Aoun, Salim Kattar, Romy Moukarzel, and Samir Medawar, “Improving the quality of the apple by the use of foliar fertilizers: Economic impact on income of the farmer,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 26, no. 1, pp. 280–290, August 2016.