[ Efficacité biologique du Curater 10 g (10% carbofuran) sur les nématodes parasites du niébé en plein champ à Foumbot (Cameroun) ]
Volume 22, Issue 1, April 2016, Pages 218–226

Adamou HAOUGUI1, Pierre SAKWE2, and Facourou SINABA3
1 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Niger
2 Université de Dschang, Cameroun
3 IPR, Katibougou, Mali
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A study was conducted to test the effectiveness of Curater 10 G (10% Carbofuran) on the parasitic nematodes associated with 5 cowpea varieties. Each variety was planted into two adjacent plots, one of which was treated with 400g a.i/ha of Curater 10 G and the other left untreated. Nematodes population densities in the field were assessed prior to nematicide application and planting, at mid-season and at crop maturity. At maturity, plants were harvested from both treated and untreated plots and the yields recorded. Yield loss and the percentage yield reduction were calculated. Initial population of the plant-parasitic nematodes was quite low. Although the population densities of these nematodes increased in the treated as well as untreated plots, the final population densities were higher in untreated than in treated plots. The yield gains were significant in four of the five varieties (IT 227-2 K- 90 , KD 89 IT -391 , IT 88 DM-345 and the local Foumbot). But in general, the yield increases on IITA varieties were not significantly different from that obtained on the local Foumbot. For these varieties yield grains ranged from about 28 to 68%. This shows the sensitivity of these cowpea varieties to parasitic nematodes and the bioefficacy of carbofuran.
Author Keywords: nematicide, Meloidogyne, Scutellonema, Helicotyenchus, Criconemella.
Volume 22, Issue 1, April 2016, Pages 218–226

Adamou HAOUGUI1, Pierre SAKWE2, and Facourou SINABA3
1 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Niger
2 Université de Dschang, Cameroun
3 IPR, Katibougou, Mali
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
A study was conducted to test the effectiveness of Curater 10 G (10% Carbofuran) on the parasitic nematodes associated with 5 cowpea varieties. Each variety was planted into two adjacent plots, one of which was treated with 400g a.i/ha of Curater 10 G and the other left untreated. Nematodes population densities in the field were assessed prior to nematicide application and planting, at mid-season and at crop maturity. At maturity, plants were harvested from both treated and untreated plots and the yields recorded. Yield loss and the percentage yield reduction were calculated. Initial population of the plant-parasitic nematodes was quite low. Although the population densities of these nematodes increased in the treated as well as untreated plots, the final population densities were higher in untreated than in treated plots. The yield gains were significant in four of the five varieties (IT 227-2 K- 90 , KD 89 IT -391 , IT 88 DM-345 and the local Foumbot). But in general, the yield increases on IITA varieties were not significantly different from that obtained on the local Foumbot. For these varieties yield grains ranged from about 28 to 68%. This shows the sensitivity of these cowpea varieties to parasitic nematodes and the bioefficacy of carbofuran.
Author Keywords: nematicide, Meloidogyne, Scutellonema, Helicotyenchus, Criconemella.
Abstract: (french)
L’efficacité biologique du nématicide Curater 10 G (10% carbofuran) contre les nématodes parasites du niébé a été menée en plein champ sur 5 variétés de niébé. Pour chacune d’elles, deux parcelles appariées ont été retenues : une traitée au nématicide à la dose de 400g m.a/ha, l’autre non traitée servant de témoin. Les densités des populations des nématodes ont été déterminées avant l’application du nématicide, à la mi-saison et à la maturité physiologique du niébé. Le rendement sur les parcelles traitées et non traitées a été mesuré ; la perte de rendement et le pourcentage de réduction du rendement ont été calculés. Les populations initiales de toutes les quatre espèces de nématodes étaient très faibles. Bien que les densités de nématodes aient augmenté, aussi bien sur les parcelles traitées que sur les non traitées, les populations finales ont été plus élevées sur les dernières. Les gains de rendements ont été significatifs sur quatre des cinq variétés (IT 90 K-227-2, IT 89 KD-391, IT 88 DM-345 et la locale de Foumbot). Mais en général, les gains de rendement sur les variétés provenant de IITA n’ont pas été significativement différents de celui obtenu sur la locale de Foumbot. Sur ces variétés les grains de rendement ont varié de près de 28 à 68%. Ce qui montre la sensibilité de ces variétés de niébé aux nématodes parasites et l’efficacité du traitement au carbofuran.
Author Keywords: nématicide, Meloidogyne, Scutellonema, Helicotyenchus, Criconemella.
How to Cite this Article
Adamou HAOUGUI, Pierre SAKWE, and Facourou SINABA, “On-farm testing of the biological effectiveness of Curater 10 G (10% carbofuran) on parasitic nematodes associated with cowpea in Foumbot (Cameroon),” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 218–226, April 2016.