Volume 18, Issue 2, October 2015, Pages 216–223
1 L.A Physique et étudiant du troisième cycle en environnement, Option Gestion durable des sols, Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA), Bukavu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Bukavu is one of the cities of the DRC located to the east of the DRC, it is among the cities most vulnerable to climate warming. This study analyzes the trends in rainfall, number of rainy days and average temperatures station NSRF / Lwiro. From the analysis, it appears that rainfall decreases and the number of rainy days when the temperature increases from one year to another and from one decade to another. About their perception on climate change, climate risks and adaptation, a survey was conducted among 447 households selected in a random manner, in the form of Bran. These field results, it appears that the major climate risks identified by residents are the spatio-temporal variability of precipitation, rainfall deficit (drought), excessive heat and the disappearance of some terrestrial and aquatic species. Address the impacts of these risks, people questioned their own ways endogenous adaptation strategies, which are mostly more or less rational and may try to resolve issues related to climate change, it is there, the adoption of renewable energy, reforestation, the fight against deforestation etc. .. further studies, should be conducted to identify with the people of the town of Bukavu pragmatic and sustainable adaptation options.
Author Keywords: perception, climate change, adaptation.
1 L.A Physique et étudiant du troisième cycle en environnement, Option Gestion durable des sols, Université Evangélique en Afrique (UEA), Bukavu, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Bukavu is one of the cities of the DRC located to the east of the DRC, it is among the cities most vulnerable to climate warming. This study analyzes the trends in rainfall, number of rainy days and average temperatures station NSRF / Lwiro. From the analysis, it appears that rainfall decreases and the number of rainy days when the temperature increases from one year to another and from one decade to another. About their perception on climate change, climate risks and adaptation, a survey was conducted among 447 households selected in a random manner, in the form of Bran. These field results, it appears that the major climate risks identified by residents are the spatio-temporal variability of precipitation, rainfall deficit (drought), excessive heat and the disappearance of some terrestrial and aquatic species. Address the impacts of these risks, people questioned their own ways endogenous adaptation strategies, which are mostly more or less rational and may try to resolve issues related to climate change, it is there, the adoption of renewable energy, reforestation, the fight against deforestation etc. .. further studies, should be conducted to identify with the people of the town of Bukavu pragmatic and sustainable adaptation options.
Author Keywords: perception, climate change, adaptation.
Abstract: (french)
La ville de Bukavu est l'une des villes de la RDC située à l'Est de la RDC, elle est parmi les villes les plus vulnérables face aux réchauffements climatiques. Cette étude analyse les tendances des précipitations, le nombre de jours de pluie et des températures moyennes de la station de CRSN/Lwiro. De l'analyse des données, il ressort que les précipitations diminuent ainsi que le nombre de jours de pluie alors que la température augmente d'une année à une autre et d'une décennie à une autre. Quant à leur perception sur les changements climatiques, les risques climatiques et l'adaptation, une enquête a été menée auprès de 447 ménages choisis d'une manière aléatoire, selon la formule de Bryan (1992). De ces résultats de terrain, il ressort que les risques climatiques majeurs identifiés par les habitants sont la variabilité spatio-temporelle des précipitations, du déficit pluviométrique (sécheresse), les chaleurs excessives et la disparition des quelques espèces terrestres et aquatiques. Face aux impacts de ces risques, les habitants interrogés développent à leur manière des stratégies endogènes d'adaptation, qui sont pour la plupart plus ou moins rationnelles et peut essayer de régler les problèmes liés aux changements climatiques, il s'agit là, l'adoption des énergies renouvelables, le reboisement, la lutte contre la déforestation etc.. Des études plus approfondies, méritent d'être menées afin d'identifier avec ces habitants de la ville de Bukavu des options d'adaptation pragmatiques et durables.
Author Keywords: perception, changement climatique, adaptation.
How to Cite this Article
Benjamin KAJIBWAMI CIZA, “PERCEPTION DU CHANGEMENT CLIMATIQUE A BUKAVU ET DANS LES MILIEUX PERI URBAINS ET MESURE D'ADAPTATION,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 216–223, October 2015.