International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research
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The being and the appearing at the veiled


Volume 18, Issue 1, September 2015, Pages 72–80

 The being and the appearing at the veiled

Abdoul Wahab SOUMANA1

1 University of Zinder, Niger

Original language: French

Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


This article that is titled "the being and the appearing at the veileds" of Niamey is about the main reasons of the wearing of the veil in Niamey. Considering the extent of the phenomenon in Niamey, it has appeared interesting for us to study it on other viewpoints beyond the religious one. That is why twenty or so wearers, ten or so none wearers and some well-informed persons have been questioned. These interviews reinforced by documentary researches have lead to some results according which the wearing of the veil is widely out of religious considerations even If they remain the most cited ones. With many local labels full of symbols the veil is wired in Niamey as so for customary, compulsory reasons as for strategic and religious reasons. The veil is in other considered in Niamey as a phenomenon of fashion that win the women of every age and every religious trend.

Author Keywords: veil, veiled, religion culture, fashion.

Abstract: (french)

Cet article intitulé «l'être et le paraître chez les voilées de Niamey» s'interroge sur les principales raisons qui poussent les Niameyennes à porter le voile. Considérant l'ampleur que prend le phénomène à Niamey, il nous a paru intéressant de l'étudier sous divers aspects en dehors de toute considération religieuse. Pour ce faire, une vingtaine de porteuses du voile, une dizaine de non porteuses et quelques personnes ressources ont été interrogées. Ces entretiens renforcés par des recherches documentaires, ont fait ressortir des résultats selon lesquels le port du voile dépasse largement les considérations religieuses, même si elles demeurent encore les plus invoquées. Ayant fait l'objet de plusieurs appellations locales chargées de symbolisme, le voile est porté à Niamey aussi bien pour des raisons coutumières, coercitives, que pour des raisons stratégiques et religieuses. Le voile est en outre considéré à Niamey comme un phénomène de mode ayant gagné la junte féminine, tous âges et courants religieux confondus.

Author Keywords: voile, voilée, religion culture, mode.

How to Cite this Article

Abdoul Wahab SOUMANA, “The being and the appearing at the veiled,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 72–80, September 2015.