[ Importance du statut hydrique et de l'indice chlorophyllien de la feuille drapeau du Sorgho (Sorghum vulgare L.) dans l'élaboration du rendement grainier en présence de contraintes hydriques et salines ]
Volume 10, Issue 1, October 2014, Pages 111–117
Nesrine Aissa1 and Leila Radhouane2
1 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunis, Avenue Hédi Karray, 2049 Ariana, Tunisia
2 Tunisian Institute for Agriculture Research (INRAT), Hédi Karray Street, Ariana 2049, Tunisia
Original language: French
Copyright © 2014 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Drought and salinity are the major problems of Mediterranean agriculture. From an agronomic point of view, adaptation to stress is the ability of a plant to maintain reasonable yields. Various physiological traits related to stress tolerance (relative water content and chlorophyll content) and their impact on yield components were studied in Sorghum (Sudan Grass III).
Experimental design consists of five treatments: a control (100% ETM = 1 g / l), two water regimes (70% and 35% ETM) and two salt diets (3g / l and 6g / l).
Results showed that under moderate water stress, the relative water content and chlorophyll index have decreased slightly and penalized yield components. In response to severe stress, relative water content dropped from 89% to 78% and chlorophyll index fell by about 38% which acted unfavorably on all yield components.
Different intensity of salinity generates a slight increase in TRE but decreased chlorophyll content and size of main panicles.
All the parameters studied shows that there are positive correlations between plant water status and its yield: sorghum maintains high TRE under salinity and drought which indicating that this plant is of type "stay green" that keeps green and photosynthetically active leaves to have reasonable yields under abiotic stresses.
Author Keywords: Abiotic stresses, Sorghum, Chlorophyll content, Relative water content, Yield components.
Volume 10, Issue 1, October 2014, Pages 111–117
Nesrine Aissa1 and Leila Radhouane2
1 Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunis, Avenue Hédi Karray, 2049 Ariana, Tunisia
2 Tunisian Institute for Agriculture Research (INRAT), Hédi Karray Street, Ariana 2049, Tunisia
Original language: French
Copyright © 2014 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Drought and salinity are the major problems of Mediterranean agriculture. From an agronomic point of view, adaptation to stress is the ability of a plant to maintain reasonable yields. Various physiological traits related to stress tolerance (relative water content and chlorophyll content) and their impact on yield components were studied in Sorghum (Sudan Grass III).
Experimental design consists of five treatments: a control (100% ETM = 1 g / l), two water regimes (70% and 35% ETM) and two salt diets (3g / l and 6g / l).
Results showed that under moderate water stress, the relative water content and chlorophyll index have decreased slightly and penalized yield components. In response to severe stress, relative water content dropped from 89% to 78% and chlorophyll index fell by about 38% which acted unfavorably on all yield components.
Different intensity of salinity generates a slight increase in TRE but decreased chlorophyll content and size of main panicles.
All the parameters studied shows that there are positive correlations between plant water status and its yield: sorghum maintains high TRE under salinity and drought which indicating that this plant is of type "stay green" that keeps green and photosynthetically active leaves to have reasonable yields under abiotic stresses.
Author Keywords: Abiotic stresses, Sorghum, Chlorophyll content, Relative water content, Yield components.
Abstract: (french)
L'agriculture méditerranéenne est confrontée à plusieurs problèmes tels que la sécheresse et la salinité. Du point de vue agronomique, l'adaptation à ces contraintes serait la capacité d'une plante à maintenir des rendements raisonnables.
Divers caractères physiologiques liés à la tolérance aux stress (teneur relative en eau et teneur en chlorophylle) et leurs impacts sur les composantes du rendement ont été étudiés chez le Sorgho (Sudan Grass III).
Le dispositif expérimental comporte cinq traitements: un témoin (100% ETM= 1g/l), deux régimes hydriques (70% ETM et 35% ETM) et deux régimes salins (3g/l et 6g/l).
Les résultats ont montré que sous la contrainte hydrique modérée, la teneur relative en eau et l'indice chlorophylliens ont subi une légère diminution et ont légèrement pénalisé les composantes de rendement. Par contre, en réponse à un stress plus important, la teneur relative en eau a chuté de 89% à 78% et l'indice chlorophyllien a baissé d'environ 38%. Ce qui a agi défavorablement sur toutes les composantes du rendement.
L'application d'une eau saumâtre d'intensité différente a engendré une légère augmentation de la TRE mais a diminué la teneur en chlorophylle et les dimensions des panicules principales.
L'ensemble des paramètres étudiés montre qu'il existe des corrélations positives entre l'état hydrique de la plante et son rendement: le sorgho a gardé une TRE élevée en présence de stress hydrique et salin, ce qui indique que cette plante est de type « stay green » qui conserve des feuilles vertes et photosynthétiquement actives permettant d'avoir des rendements raisonnables mêmes en présence de contraintes abiotiques.
Author Keywords: Contrainte abiotique, Sorgho, Teneur en chlorophylle, Teneur relative en eau, Composantes de rendement.
How to Cite this Article
Nesrine Aissa and Leila Radhouane, “Impact of flag leaf water status and chlorophyll index of Sorghum (Sorghum vulgare L.) on yield components under water and saline stresses,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 111–117, October 2014.