Volume 76, Issue 1, December 2024, Pages 39–47

Nswadi Kinkela1, Nswadi Nsayi Metos2, Athos MPANDA MAKAMBUA3, Lukuama Ngesevua Bienvenu Doudou4, and Jesus Miguel López Rodilla5
1 Department of Agronomic, Polytechnic Institute of the Kimpa Vita University, Angola
2 Department of Chemistry, Pedagogical Institute of Mbanza-Ngungu RD Congo
3 Institut Supérieur d’Etudes Agronomiques de Mvuazi /Bas-Congo, RD Congo
4 Department of Chemistry, Pedagogical Institute of Mbanza-Ngungu RD Congo
5 Department of Chemistry, University of Beira Interior, Portugal
Original language: English
Copyright © 2024 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The aim of this study was to extract avocado oils using the laboratory method (Soxhlet) and the artisanal method. To achieve the research objective, an artisanal oven was used to dry the avocado pulp and a device was adapted for artisanal oil extraction. The oils obtained by hand were compared to those extracted in the laboratory on the basis of organoleptic, physical and chemical analyses. The following parameters were assessed: colour, density (d), saponification index (IS), iodine index (II), acidity index (IA), ether index (IE), peroxide index (IP) and unsaponifiable matter. Volumetric methods were used for the quantitative determination of these indices. The oil analyses were carried out in duplicate and the following results were obtained: The oils extracted in the laboratory and by hand showed a dark green colour. With regard to the physical and chemical parameters, the following averages were obtained: density - laboratory oil (OL): 0.912 g/cm3; artisanal oil (OA): 0.911 g/cm3; -acidity index OL: 5.609 mg KOH/g; OA: 4.515 mg KOH/g; -iodine index OL: 88.706 g I2/g; OA: 82.357 g I2/g; -saponification index OL: 190.68 mg KOH/g; OA: 189.14 mg KOH/g; -ester index OL: 185.071 mg KOH/g; OA: 184.62 mg KOH/g; -peroxide index OL: 10.12 mEqO2/kg; OA: 9.89 mEqO2/kg; -unsaponifiable matter content OL: 1.506%; OA: 1.5204%.
Author Keywords: Persea american Mill, extraction, analysis.

Nswadi Kinkela1, Nswadi Nsayi Metos2, Athos MPANDA MAKAMBUA3, Lukuama Ngesevua Bienvenu Doudou4, and Jesus Miguel López Rodilla5
1 Department of Agronomic, Polytechnic Institute of the Kimpa Vita University, Angola
2 Department of Chemistry, Pedagogical Institute of Mbanza-Ngungu RD Congo
3 Institut Supérieur d’Etudes Agronomiques de Mvuazi /Bas-Congo, RD Congo
4 Department of Chemistry, Pedagogical Institute of Mbanza-Ngungu RD Congo
5 Department of Chemistry, University of Beira Interior, Portugal
Original language: English
Copyright © 2024 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The aim of this study was to extract avocado oils using the laboratory method (Soxhlet) and the artisanal method. To achieve the research objective, an artisanal oven was used to dry the avocado pulp and a device was adapted for artisanal oil extraction. The oils obtained by hand were compared to those extracted in the laboratory on the basis of organoleptic, physical and chemical analyses. The following parameters were assessed: colour, density (d), saponification index (IS), iodine index (II), acidity index (IA), ether index (IE), peroxide index (IP) and unsaponifiable matter. Volumetric methods were used for the quantitative determination of these indices. The oil analyses were carried out in duplicate and the following results were obtained: The oils extracted in the laboratory and by hand showed a dark green colour. With regard to the physical and chemical parameters, the following averages were obtained: density - laboratory oil (OL): 0.912 g/cm3; artisanal oil (OA): 0.911 g/cm3; -acidity index OL: 5.609 mg KOH/g; OA: 4.515 mg KOH/g; -iodine index OL: 88.706 g I2/g; OA: 82.357 g I2/g; -saponification index OL: 190.68 mg KOH/g; OA: 189.14 mg KOH/g; -ester index OL: 185.071 mg KOH/g; OA: 184.62 mg KOH/g; -peroxide index OL: 10.12 mEqO2/kg; OA: 9.89 mEqO2/kg; -unsaponifiable matter content OL: 1.506%; OA: 1.5204%.
Author Keywords: Persea american Mill, extraction, analysis.
How to Cite this Article
Nswadi Kinkela, Nswadi Nsayi Metos, Athos MPANDA MAKAMBUA, Lukuama Ngesevua Bienvenu Doudou, and Jesus Miguel López Rodilla, “Avocado Oil Extraction (Persea Americana Mill) by Laboratory and Artisanal Methods,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 39–47, December 2024.