[ Evaluation de la qualité physico-chimique des eaux de la retenue de la Lobo (Centre-ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire) ]
Volume 59, Issue 1, February 2022, Pages 1–11
Sampah Georges Eblin1, Affoué Berthe Yao2, Kouao Armand Anoh3, and Kouakou Séraphin Konan4
1 Laboratoire des Sciences et Technologies de l’Environnement, UFR Environnement, Université Jean Lorougnon Guedé, Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire
2 UFR Environnement, Laboratoire des Sciences et Technologies de l’Environnement, Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire
3 Laboratoire des Sciences et Technologies de l’Environnement, UFR Environnement, Université Jean Lorougnon Guedé, Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire
4 Département des Sciences de la Terre, Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, UFR Environnement, Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The Lobo River reservoir, the main source of drinking water supply for the municipality of Daloa, is facing a deterioration in its quality. This study aims to assess the quality of this resource. The physico-chemical and chemical parameters of this water were determined during the two seasons of the year 2020. The methodological approach consisted firstly of characterizing the water in the reservoir in relation to the WHO guide values; secondly, determining the phenomena that govern the mineralization of this water and, thirdly, calculating the organic pollution index (OPI) and the water quality index (WQI) of the reservoir. The results show that the physico-chemical parameters (T, pH and EC) comply with the WHO guide values. However, the water has a high turbidity, with a very strong colour in all seasons. Phosphate (0.93 mg/L), ammonium (1.48 mg/L), total iron (2.99 mg/L) and manganese (0.66 mg/L) concentrations are high. On the other hand, chlorides, nitrates and nitrites remain low in both seasons. On the other hand, chlorides, nitrates and nitrites remain low in both seasons. Normalized Principal Component Analysis (NPCA) revealed that the mineralization of this water is of natural and anthropogenic origin. The water quality (2.25 to 3.25) and organic pollution (429.73 to 693.31) indices show that the water in the reservoir is unfit for consumption, with moderate pollution in the dry season and heavy pollution in the rainy season.
Author Keywords: Daloa, WQI, OPI, Lobo River, Water quality.
Volume 59, Issue 1, February 2022, Pages 1–11
Sampah Georges Eblin1, Affoué Berthe Yao2, Kouao Armand Anoh3, and Kouakou Séraphin Konan4
1 Laboratoire des Sciences et Technologies de l’Environnement, UFR Environnement, Université Jean Lorougnon Guedé, Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire
2 UFR Environnement, Laboratoire des Sciences et Technologies de l’Environnement, Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire
3 Laboratoire des Sciences et Technologies de l’Environnement, UFR Environnement, Université Jean Lorougnon Guedé, Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire
4 Département des Sciences de la Terre, Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé, UFR Environnement, Daloa, Côte d’Ivoire
Original language: French
Copyright © 2022 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The Lobo River reservoir, the main source of drinking water supply for the municipality of Daloa, is facing a deterioration in its quality. This study aims to assess the quality of this resource. The physico-chemical and chemical parameters of this water were determined during the two seasons of the year 2020. The methodological approach consisted firstly of characterizing the water in the reservoir in relation to the WHO guide values; secondly, determining the phenomena that govern the mineralization of this water and, thirdly, calculating the organic pollution index (OPI) and the water quality index (WQI) of the reservoir. The results show that the physico-chemical parameters (T, pH and EC) comply with the WHO guide values. However, the water has a high turbidity, with a very strong colour in all seasons. Phosphate (0.93 mg/L), ammonium (1.48 mg/L), total iron (2.99 mg/L) and manganese (0.66 mg/L) concentrations are high. On the other hand, chlorides, nitrates and nitrites remain low in both seasons. On the other hand, chlorides, nitrates and nitrites remain low in both seasons. Normalized Principal Component Analysis (NPCA) revealed that the mineralization of this water is of natural and anthropogenic origin. The water quality (2.25 to 3.25) and organic pollution (429.73 to 693.31) indices show that the water in the reservoir is unfit for consumption, with moderate pollution in the dry season and heavy pollution in the rainy season.
Author Keywords: Daloa, WQI, OPI, Lobo River, Water quality.
Abstract: (french)
La retenue de la rivière Lobo, principale source d’approvisionnement en eau potable de la commune de Daloa est confrontée à une dégradation de sa qualité. Cette étude a pour objectif d’évaluer la qualité de cette ressource. Les paramètres physico-chimiques et chimiques de cette eau ont été déterminés durant les deux saisons de l'année 2020. La démarche méthodologique a consisté d’abord à la caractérisation de l’eau de la retenue par rapport aux valeurs guides de l’OMS; ensuite, à la détermination des phénomènes qui gouvernent la minéralisation de cette eau et enfin, au calcul des indices de pollution organique (IPO) et de qualité de l’eau (IQE) de la retenue. Les résultats montrent que les paramètres physico-chimiques (T, pH et CE) sont conformes aux valeurs guides de l’OMS. Cependant, l’eau a une turbidité élevée, avec une très forte couleur quelle que soit la saison. Les concentrations de phosphates (0,93 mg/L), d’ammonium (1,48 mg/L), du fer total (2,99 mg/L) et du manganèse (0,66 mg/L) sont élevées. En revanche, les chlorures, nitrates et nitrites restent faibles sur les deux saisons. L’analyse en composantes principales normées (ACPN) a révélé que la minéralisation de cette eau est d’origines naturelle et anthropique. Les indices de qualité de l’eau (2,25 à 3,25) et de pollution organique (429,73 à 693,31) montrent que l’eau de la retenue est impropre à la consommation, avec une pollution modérée en saison sèche et forte en saison des pluies.
Author Keywords: Daloa, IQE, IPO, Rivière Lobo, Qualité de l’eau.
How to Cite this Article
Sampah Georges Eblin, Affoué Berthe Yao, Kouao Armand Anoh, and Kouakou Séraphin Konan, “Assessment of the physico-chemical quality of waters of the Lobo reservoir (West-central Côte d’Ivoire),” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 1–11, February 2022.