International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research
ISSN: 2336-0046
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Optimization of Gear Drive using Genetic Algorithm

Volume 25, Issue 2, July 2016, Pages 536–539

 Optimization of Gear Drive using Genetic Algorithm

S. Prabhakaran1, S. Padmanabhan2, C. Guhan3, and M. Mugilvalavan4

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anand Institute of Higher Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
2 Associate professor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Sathyabama University, Chennai, Tamilnadu , India
3 ME student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anand Institute of Higher Technology, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
4 ME student, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Anna University, CEG Campus, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

Original language: English

Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


An optimal design for an engineering optimization problem involves various decision variables and constraints. In engineering applications, objectives under consideration conflict with each other, and optimizing a meticulous solution with respect to a single objective can result in objectionable results with respect to the other objectives. A practical solution to a multi-objective problem is to examine a set of solutions, each of which satisfies the objectives at a satisfactory level without being conquered by any other solution. In this paper, a new population based evolutionary algorithm used to optimize the gear drive with combined objective function which maximises the power, efficiency and minimises the overall weight, centre distance has been considered. The performance of the proposed algorithms is validated and results are compared.

Author Keywords: Design Optimization, Genetic Algorithm, Gear Drive, Multi – Objective Optimization.

How to Cite this Article

S. Prabhakaran, S. Padmanabhan, C. Guhan, and M. Mugilvalavan, “Optimization of Gear Drive using Genetic Algorithm,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 536–539, July 2016.