[ Profil social du chef de ménage et variabilité des revenus en milieu rural au Katanga : cas de trois villages du territoire de Kipushi, RD Congo ]
Volume 16, Issue 2, July 2015, Pages 341–349

Mushagalusa Balasha Arsene1, Kyungu Nyembo Manix2, Kabala Kazadi Laurent3, and Mujinga Kaoma Modeste4
1 Département d'économie agricole, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Katanga, RD Congo
2 Département d'économie agricole, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Katanga, RD Congo
3 Département d'économie agricole, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Katanga, RD Congo
4 Département d'économie agricole, Faculté des sciences agronomiques de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Katanga, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Income is an indicator and one of measurements used in the studies of poverty. Poverty in rural areas covers deep disparities according to social characteristics' (gender, education, occupation…) of the household head. This work aims to contribute to the studies on the poverty dynamics in rural area. Its main goal is to analyze the variability of incomes according to social profile of the households head in rural area in Katanga. Methodologically, 123 households taken in a random way were surveyed in 3 villages of Kipushi namely Kanyameshi, Makwatsha and Mimbulu. Five types of households are identified according to their professions (farmers 54%, craftsmen 11%, tradesmen farmers 18%, civil servants 5%, and farm labourers 12%). There are the agri tradesmen who earn more income (1320$) per year and 25% of the farmers, of the farm labourers, civil servants and the craftsmen realize nearly similar incomes. The marital status did not influence the income but the widowers have low income (703$) per year and 25% of them do not reach 465. 6$.As for the education, a significant difference is observed between the levels (p=0,011).If the academics have higher incomes followed by the illiterates, however, 25% of the latter have less of 450$ per year. Being given that the rural incomes seem to be fluctuating and liable to several risks, to increase them surely, these results plead for a rural development which passes first of all by an agricultural development, sector of more opportunities.
Author Keywords: Poverty, Income, Household head, Occupation, Marital status, Education.
Volume 16, Issue 2, July 2015, Pages 341–349

Mushagalusa Balasha Arsene1, Kyungu Nyembo Manix2, Kabala Kazadi Laurent3, and Mujinga Kaoma Modeste4
1 Département d'économie agricole, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Katanga, RD Congo
2 Département d'économie agricole, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Katanga, RD Congo
3 Département d'économie agricole, Faculté des sciences agronomiques, Université de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Katanga, RD Congo
4 Département d'économie agricole, Faculté des sciences agronomiques de Lubumbashi, Lubumbashi, Katanga, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2015 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Income is an indicator and one of measurements used in the studies of poverty. Poverty in rural areas covers deep disparities according to social characteristics' (gender, education, occupation…) of the household head. This work aims to contribute to the studies on the poverty dynamics in rural area. Its main goal is to analyze the variability of incomes according to social profile of the households head in rural area in Katanga. Methodologically, 123 households taken in a random way were surveyed in 3 villages of Kipushi namely Kanyameshi, Makwatsha and Mimbulu. Five types of households are identified according to their professions (farmers 54%, craftsmen 11%, tradesmen farmers 18%, civil servants 5%, and farm labourers 12%). There are the agri tradesmen who earn more income (1320$) per year and 25% of the farmers, of the farm labourers, civil servants and the craftsmen realize nearly similar incomes. The marital status did not influence the income but the widowers have low income (703$) per year and 25% of them do not reach 465. 6$.As for the education, a significant difference is observed between the levels (p=0,011).If the academics have higher incomes followed by the illiterates, however, 25% of the latter have less of 450$ per year. Being given that the rural incomes seem to be fluctuating and liable to several risks, to increase them surely, these results plead for a rural development which passes first of all by an agricultural development, sector of more opportunities.
Author Keywords: Poverty, Income, Household head, Occupation, Marital status, Education.
Abstract: (french)
Le revenu est un indicateur et une des mesures utilisées dans les études de la pauvreté. Il se situe à un niveau bas en milieu rural et cette situation s'accompagne des profondes disparités selon les caractéristiques sociales (genre, niveau d'instruction, profession exercée…) du chef de ménage. Ce travail qui cherche à contribuer aux études sur la dynamique de la pauvreté en milieu rural a comme objectif d'analyser la variabilité des revenus en fonction du profil social du chef de ménage en milieu rural au Katanga. Du point de vue méthodologique, 123 ménages pris de manière aléatoire ont été enquêtés dans trois villages de Kipushi notamment Kanyameshi, Makwatsha et Mimbulu. Cinq types de ménages sont identifiés selon leurs professions (agriculteurs 54%, artisans 11%, agri commerçants 18%, fonctionnaires 5%, ouvriers 12%). Ce sont les agri commerçants qui ont plus de revenu soit 1320$ l'an et 25% des agriculteurs, d'ouvriers, fonctionnaires et d'artisans réalisent des revenus presque similaires. L'état civil n'a pas influé sur le revenu mais les veufs en ont les plus bas soit 703$ l'an et 25% d'eux n'atteignent pas 465,6$. Quant à l'instruction, une différence significative est observée entre les niveaux (p=0,011). Si les universitaires ont des revenus supérieurs suivis des analphabètes, cependant, 25% de ces derniers ont des revenus inférieurs à 450$ l'an. Etant donné que les revenus ruraux semblent être instables et sujets à plusieurs aléas, pour les accroitre, ces résultats plaident pour un développement rural qui passe de prime abord par un développement agricole, secteur à plus d'effets d'entrainement.
Author Keywords: Pauvreté, Revenu, Chef de ménage, Profession, Statut matrimonial, Instruction.
How to Cite this Article
Mushagalusa Balasha Arsene, Kyungu Nyembo Manix, Kabala Kazadi Laurent, and Mujinga Kaoma Modeste, “Social profile of head household and variability of incomes in rural area in Katanga: case of three villages of Kipushi territory, DR Congo,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 341–349, July 2015.