[ Étude de valorisation des sols du chantier d’exploitation de diamants de Bakwanga colline, zone 4 de la Miba, selon leur utilisation dans les ouvrages de génie ]
Volume 72, Issue 1, April 2024, Pages 103–112

Joseph Kazadi Mutombo1 and Jean Shimatu Mbuyi2
1 IBTP Mbuji-Mayi, RD Congo
2 Université de Mbujimayi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2024 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The objective of this work was to valorize the waste rock from the Bakwanga Colline Zone 4 mining site of the MIBA with pockets and layers of gravel containing more than 10 carats of diamonds per cubic meter, but abandoned because of the large volume of waste rock to excavate and move. To recover this waste rock, it is important to identify them and classify them in a category of construction materials. Soil identification and classification work based on the USCS, AASHTO, LCPC systems and many other classification standards (XPP 94-011) incates that these are SP sands or poorly graded sands or still group A-3 sands, non-plastic, non-organic, non-marly and compact. These soil classification systems indicate that the soils studied are among the soil classes with the best behavior as road infrastructure materials. They are also used in civil engineering works such as compacted earth dams in the shoulders and in the foundations. Studies made on the same types of soils in certain corners of the city of Mbuji-Mayi indicate that these soils can also be used for the manufacture of baked bricks or stabilized bricks.
Author Keywords: identification, standard, classification and valorization.
Volume 72, Issue 1, April 2024, Pages 103–112

Joseph Kazadi Mutombo1 and Jean Shimatu Mbuyi2
1 IBTP Mbuji-Mayi, RD Congo
2 Université de Mbujimayi, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2024 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The objective of this work was to valorize the waste rock from the Bakwanga Colline Zone 4 mining site of the MIBA with pockets and layers of gravel containing more than 10 carats of diamonds per cubic meter, but abandoned because of the large volume of waste rock to excavate and move. To recover this waste rock, it is important to identify them and classify them in a category of construction materials. Soil identification and classification work based on the USCS, AASHTO, LCPC systems and many other classification standards (XPP 94-011) incates that these are SP sands or poorly graded sands or still group A-3 sands, non-plastic, non-organic, non-marly and compact. These soil classification systems indicate that the soils studied are among the soil classes with the best behavior as road infrastructure materials. They are also used in civil engineering works such as compacted earth dams in the shoulders and in the foundations. Studies made on the same types of soils in certain corners of the city of Mbuji-Mayi indicate that these soils can also be used for the manufacture of baked bricks or stabilized bricks.
Author Keywords: identification, standard, classification and valorization.
Abstract: (french)
Ce travail avait pour objectif, la valorisation des stériles du chantier d’exploitation de Bakwanga Colline Zone 4 de la MIBA ayant des poches et couches de gravier titrant plus de 10 carats de diamants au mètre cube, mais abandonnés à cause du volume important en stérile à excaver et à déplacer. Pour valoriser ces stériles, il est important de les identifier et de les classer dans une catégorie des matériaux de construction. Les travaux d’identification et de classification des sols basés sur les systèmes USCS, AASHTO, LCPC et bien d’autres normes (XP P 94-011) de classification indiquent qu’il s’agit des sables SP ou des sables mal gradués ou encore des sables du groupe A-3, non plastique, non organique, non marneux et compact. Ces systèmes de classification des sols indiquent que les sols étudiés font partis des classes de sols ayant le meilleur comportement comme matériaux d’infrastructure routière. Ils sont aussi utilisés dans les ouvrages de génie civil tels que les barrages en terre compactée dans les épaulements et dans les fondations. Les études faites sur les mêmes types des sols dans certains recoins de la ville de Mbuji-Mayi indiquent que ces sols peuvent également être utilisés pour la fabrication des briques cuites ou briques stabilisées.
Author Keywords: identification, norme, classification, sol SP et valorisation.
How to Cite this Article
Joseph Kazadi Mutombo and Jean Shimatu Mbuyi, “Study of the valorization of soils from the Bakwanga diamond mining site, zone 4 of Miba, according to their use in engineering works,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 103–112, April 2024.