[ Etude de la variation craniologique intra-spécifique des populations de Praomys jacksoni (De Winton, 1897 : Mammalia, Rodentia, Muridae) de trois milieux forestiers de Kisangani (Province de la Tshopo, RD Congo) ]
Volume 30, Issue 1, April 2017, Pages 14–26

Roger A. Angoyo1, Esther Yokana Isangi2, Reddy E. Shutsha3, Taylor B. Mambo4, Justin A. Asimonyio5, Consolate Kaswera Kyamakya6, Charles Kasakodo Bongo7, and Koto-te-Nyiwa Ngbolua8
1 Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité, Université de Kisangani, B.P. 2012, Kisangani, RD Congo
2 Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité, Université de Kisangani, B.P. 2012 Kisangani, RD Congo
3 Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité, Université de Kisangani, B.P. 2012 Kisangani, RD Congo
4 Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité, Université de Kisangani, B.P.2012, Kisangani, RD Congo
5 Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité, Université de Kisangani, RD Congo
6 Laboratoire d’Ecologie et Gestion des Ressources Animales, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Kisangani, B.P. 2012 Kisangani, RD Congo
7 Institut Supérieur Pédagogique d’Abumombazi, Province du Nord Ubangi, RD Congo
8 Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Kinshasa, BP 190 Kinshasa XI, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2017 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The present study was carried out from 346 skulls of Praomys jacksoni (Muridae) captured in some forest areas of the surroundings of Kisangani city (island, right and left banks of Congo River) from 1994 to 1999). The results obtained from twenty-five skulls measurements revealed the diversity existing inside each population studied. The sexual dimorphism is favorable to males for seven measurements (GRLE, HEBA, DIA1, DIA2, INT, LNAS, and LOTE) whereas eighteen remain stable. The skulls of insular populations (Tundulu and Mbiye) are bigger than those of the forest reserves ( Masako and Yoko) for twenty measurements: GRLE, PRCO, HEBA, HEPA, DIA1, DIA2, INT, ZYPL, PAL, UPTE, UPDE, M1, BNAS, LNAS, BUL, DIN, HRZ, ROH, ROB and PCPA The skulls of Mbiye island populations are bigger than those of Tundulu island for eighteen measurements (GRLE, PRCO, HEBA, HEPA, PAF, DIA1, DIA2, ZYG, UPTE, UPDE, M1, ZYPL, BNAS, LNAS, LOTE, CHOA, DIN, PCPA). The skulls of populations from the left bank (Yoko forest reserve) are bigger than those of the right bank for six measures (GRLE, HEBA, DIA1, INT, CHOA and PAF). These results indicate that craniometrical measurements of the adult animals are stable and constitute a complementary means for identifying the species in the Praomys genus. The variations observed with certain examined characters would be the consequence of the biological phenomenon of speciation. It is thus desirable that molecular studies are carried out on these muridae in order to validate this hypothesis.
Author Keywords: Congo basin, biodiversity, taxonomy, Praomys jacksoni, craniometry, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Volume 30, Issue 1, April 2017, Pages 14–26

Roger A. Angoyo1, Esther Yokana Isangi2, Reddy E. Shutsha3, Taylor B. Mambo4, Justin A. Asimonyio5, Consolate Kaswera Kyamakya6, Charles Kasakodo Bongo7, and Koto-te-Nyiwa Ngbolua8
1 Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité, Université de Kisangani, B.P. 2012, Kisangani, RD Congo
2 Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité, Université de Kisangani, B.P. 2012 Kisangani, RD Congo
3 Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité, Université de Kisangani, B.P. 2012 Kisangani, RD Congo
4 Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité, Université de Kisangani, B.P.2012, Kisangani, RD Congo
5 Centre de Surveillance de la Biodiversité, Université de Kisangani, RD Congo
6 Laboratoire d’Ecologie et Gestion des Ressources Animales, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Kisangani, B.P. 2012 Kisangani, RD Congo
7 Institut Supérieur Pédagogique d’Abumombazi, Province du Nord Ubangi, RD Congo
8 Département de Biologie, Faculté des Sciences, Université de Kinshasa, BP 190 Kinshasa XI, RD Congo
Original language: French
Copyright © 2017 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The present study was carried out from 346 skulls of Praomys jacksoni (Muridae) captured in some forest areas of the surroundings of Kisangani city (island, right and left banks of Congo River) from 1994 to 1999). The results obtained from twenty-five skulls measurements revealed the diversity existing inside each population studied. The sexual dimorphism is favorable to males for seven measurements (GRLE, HEBA, DIA1, DIA2, INT, LNAS, and LOTE) whereas eighteen remain stable. The skulls of insular populations (Tundulu and Mbiye) are bigger than those of the forest reserves ( Masako and Yoko) for twenty measurements: GRLE, PRCO, HEBA, HEPA, DIA1, DIA2, INT, ZYPL, PAL, UPTE, UPDE, M1, BNAS, LNAS, BUL, DIN, HRZ, ROH, ROB and PCPA The skulls of Mbiye island populations are bigger than those of Tundulu island for eighteen measurements (GRLE, PRCO, HEBA, HEPA, PAF, DIA1, DIA2, ZYG, UPTE, UPDE, M1, ZYPL, BNAS, LNAS, LOTE, CHOA, DIN, PCPA). The skulls of populations from the left bank (Yoko forest reserve) are bigger than those of the right bank for six measures (GRLE, HEBA, DIA1, INT, CHOA and PAF). These results indicate that craniometrical measurements of the adult animals are stable and constitute a complementary means for identifying the species in the Praomys genus. The variations observed with certain examined characters would be the consequence of the biological phenomenon of speciation. It is thus desirable that molecular studies are carried out on these muridae in order to validate this hypothesis.
Author Keywords: Congo basin, biodiversity, taxonomy, Praomys jacksoni, craniometry, Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Abstract: (french)
La présente étude a été réalisée à partir de 346 crânes de Praomys jacksoni (Muridae) capturés dans quelques milieux forestiers des environs de Kisangani (îles, rive gauche et rive droite du fleuve Congo) de 1994 à 1999. Les résultats obtenus sur les 25 mesures crâniennes montrent la variabilité qui existe à l’intérieur de chaque population étudiée. Le dimorphisme sexuel est favorable aux mâles pour sept mesures (GRLE, HEBA, DIA1, DIA2, INT, LNAS et LOTE) alors que 18 mesures demeurent stables. Les crânes de populations insulaires (Tundulu et Mbiye) sont plus grands que ceux des Réserves Forestières (Masako et Yoko) pour 20 mesures : GRLE, PRCO, HEBA, HEPA, DIA1, DIA2, INT, ZYPL, PAL, UPTE, UPDE, M1, BNAS, LNAS, BUL, DIN, HRZ, ROH, ROB et PCPA. Les crânes de populations de l’île Mbiye sont plus grand que ceux de l’île Tundulu pour 18 mesures (GRLE, PRCO, HEBA, HEPA, PAF, DIA1, DIA2, ZYG, UPTE, UPDE, M1, ZYPL, BNAS, LNAS; LOTE, CHOA, DIN et PCPA). Les crânes de populations de la rive gauche (Réserve Forestière Yoko) sont plus grands que ceux de la rive droite pour six mesures (GRLE, HEBA, DIA1, INT, CHOA et PAF). L’ensemble de ces résultats indiquent que les mesures craniométriques des adultes sont stables et constituent un moyen complémentaire d’identification des espèces du genre Praomys. Les variations observées avec certains caractères examinés seraient la conséquence du phénomène biologique de la spéciation. Il est donc souhaitable que des études moléculaires soient réalisées sur ces muridés en vue de valider cette hypothèse.
Author Keywords: Bassin du Congo, biodiversité, taxonomie, Praomys jacksoni, craniométrie, République Démocratique du Congo.
How to Cite this Article
Roger A. Angoyo, Esther Yokana Isangi, Reddy E. Shutsha, Taylor B. Mambo, Justin A. Asimonyio, Consolate Kaswera Kyamakya, Charles Kasakodo Bongo, and Koto-te-Nyiwa Ngbolua, “Intraspecific craniological variation study of Praomys jacksoni (De Winton 1897: Mammalia, Rodentia, Muridae) populations of three forest sites of Kisangani city (Tshopo province, DR Congo),” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 30, no. 1, pp. 14–26, April 2017.