Volume 20, Issue 2, February 2016, Pages 481–493
SOULEY Kabirou1
1 Département de Géographie, Faculté de Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Université de Zinder, Niger
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Created in 1954 by the colonial authorities and erected as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1996, the W Park (1,023,000 ha) is spread over Niger, Benin and Burkina Faso. The goal through this classification is to protect biodiversity. For added protection, the Niger erea part is framed by Wildlife Tamou Total Reserve (140 000 ha), the Dosso Partial Reserve (306 000 ha) and a buffer zone, shared between the rural districts of Tamou Kirtachi and Falmey. In 1976, half the Reserve Tamou was decommissioned by the public authorities to resettle the people of Zarmaganda severely affected by the drought of 1973. With the drought of 1984-1985, a major additional flow was recorded. The scarcity of resources due to demographic growth has led people to put pressure on protected resources of the Park through the illegal deforestation, illegal transhumance, poaching and bush fires. To reverse this trend, alternative solutions for participatory management combining sustainable conservation and economic development of local communities, are needed. It will contribute to ownership of the protected area by these populations in their diversity. Adjustments related to the different activities performed must be done. Pastoral and agricultural areas must be designed to enhance productivity. This is accompanied by the promotion of income generating activities (beekeeping, fishing and hunting zones creation) to diversify sources of income and the fight against poverty.
Author Keywords: Niger, Protect area, W park, Governance, Participatory.
SOULEY Kabirou1
1 Département de Géographie, Faculté de Lettres et Sciences Humaines, Université de Zinder, Niger
Original language: French
Copyright © 2016 ISSR Journals. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Created in 1954 by the colonial authorities and erected as a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve in 1996, the W Park (1,023,000 ha) is spread over Niger, Benin and Burkina Faso. The goal through this classification is to protect biodiversity. For added protection, the Niger erea part is framed by Wildlife Tamou Total Reserve (140 000 ha), the Dosso Partial Reserve (306 000 ha) and a buffer zone, shared between the rural districts of Tamou Kirtachi and Falmey. In 1976, half the Reserve Tamou was decommissioned by the public authorities to resettle the people of Zarmaganda severely affected by the drought of 1973. With the drought of 1984-1985, a major additional flow was recorded. The scarcity of resources due to demographic growth has led people to put pressure on protected resources of the Park through the illegal deforestation, illegal transhumance, poaching and bush fires. To reverse this trend, alternative solutions for participatory management combining sustainable conservation and economic development of local communities, are needed. It will contribute to ownership of the protected area by these populations in their diversity. Adjustments related to the different activities performed must be done. Pastoral and agricultural areas must be designed to enhance productivity. This is accompanied by the promotion of income generating activities (beekeeping, fishing and hunting zones creation) to diversify sources of income and the fight against poverty.
Author Keywords: Niger, Protect area, W park, Governance, Participatory.
Abstract: (french)
Créé en 1954 par les autorités coloniales et érigé comme Réserve de Biosphère de l'UNESCO en 1996, le Parc du W (1.023.000 ha) s'étale sur le Niger, le Bénin et le Burkina Faso. L'objectif visé à travers ce classement est de protéger la biodiversité. Pour une meilleure protection, la partie nigérienne est encadrée par la Réserve Totale de Faune de Tamou (140 000 ha), la Réserve Partielle de Dosso (306 000 ha) et une zone tampon, partagées entre les communes de Tamou, Kirtachi et Falmey. En 1976, la moitié de la Réserve de Tamou a été déclassée par le pouvoir public pour recaser les populations du Zarmaganda durement affectées par la famine de 1973. Avec la sécheresse de 1984-1985, un important flux supplémentaire a été enregistré. La raréfaction des ressources due au croît démographique a conduit les populations à exercer une pression sur les ressources protégées du Parc à travers les défrichements illégaux, la transhumance illégale, le braconnage et les feux de brousse. Pour inverser la tendance, des solutions alternatives pour une gestion participative alliant la conservation durable et le développement économique des populations riveraines, s'imposent. Cela va contribuer à une appropriation de l'aire protégée par ces populations dans leur diversité. Pour se faire, des aménagements en rapport avec les différentes activités pratiquées doivent être réalisés. Les espaces pastoraux et agricoles doivent être aménagés pour rehausser leur productivité. Cela s'accompagne de la promotion des activités génératrices de revenus (apiculture, pêche et création des zones cynégétiques) afin de diversifier les sources de revenus et de lutter contre la pauvreté.
Author Keywords: Niger, Aires protégées, Parc W, Gouvernance, Participative.
How to Cite this Article
SOULEY Kabirou, “Gouvernance participative des aires protégées : cas de la réserve de biosphère du parc du W du Niger,” International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 481–493, February 2016.